Leiden University Student Repository

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Posttraumatic stress disorder and adjustment disorder  during the coronavirus pandemic: the effects of coping  behavior and health fear.
De invloed van een pandemie op de ontwikkeling van angstklachten bij jongeren met jeugdtraumatische ervaringen
Jongeren met jeugdtrauma: Somatoforme klachten en mentaal welzijn tijdens de COVID-19 pandemie in beeld
Health policy reforms in South Korea between 2015-2020 and their impact on the COVID-19 crisis
Perceptions on the Dutch society and national identity by Chinese exchange students during the COVID-19 pandemic
From counternarcotics and counterinsurgency to countering COVID-19: The military's responsibilities in Peru
Failure to Coronawash
Vriendschappen en Mentale Gezondheid voor en tijdens de COVID-19 pandemie van adolescenten met nare jeugdervaringen
The securitisation of COVID-19 in the European Union
The Psychological Roots of Ecologically Destructive Consumptive Behaviour: Ecological Alienation and Self-Alienation
Factors Predicting Loneliness During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Alleen samen krijgen we corona onder controle
How Emotional Instability Leads To More  Conspiracy Believers