Leiden University Student Repository

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Does size matter? Small state influence on middle power states in international relations
Where the Future Happens First: How Subnational Climate Diplomacy Generates Transformative Change Through Rescaling and Entrenchment
(Self-)Determined Diasporas: Comparing Diaspora Diplomacy for Kosovo and Nagorno-Karabakh
Consensus in COPUOS
Behind the Curtains of Neutrality
The Belt and Road Initiative as a Public  Diplomacy Project and the EU
Decentralised Diplomatic Relationships between Europe and China
Multilateral Regionalism with Chinese Characteristics: A Case Study of the Macau Forum
The LGBT-Diplomat
The Oil of the 21st Century
Publieksdiplomatie tijdens de Covid-19-pandemie
Innovating diplomacy in the 21st century: a time of cutbacks and disruptions.
Losing Face and the 'ASEAN Way': Southeast Asian Culture and Regional Peace and Stability
The evolution of the relations between France and the United States (between 1947 and 1969).
EU Religious Engagement Strategy: Partnership or Modern Imperialism?
Diplomacy and Opium: Dutch diplomacy on the road to international opium control (1912-1942)
Comparing Dutch and Austrian Soft Power: On the Driving Factors of International Cultural Policy
Paradiplomacy in Practise: The Development of Paradiplomacy in Quebec, Scotland, and California
A challenged alliance. Anglo-American political and diplomatic relations during the escalation of the Falklands conflict. December 1981-June 1982