Leiden University Student Repository

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Exploring Self-Views on Social Media and in Recovery: The Association and Predictors of Positive Self-Views in the Context of #Selflove and AOD Recovery
Perceived vs Observed
Can we both win in a negotiation? The introduction of additional issues during a negotiation and the role of emotions and personality characteristics
Facial mimicry in context: het effect van gender en gedrag van kinderen op de facial mimicry van volwassenen en de mogelijk modererende rol die een gender bias hierbij speelt
No Planet Big Enough for the Both of Us
Angry person on bad experience?
Racial Bias Online: The Effect of Emotion and Facial Cues on our Judgements.
Corpus Based Study on the Difference in Usage between Transitive and Intransitive Body Part Idioms concerning Emotionss
Past Pandemic vs. Covid-19 Representations
Effect of Music on Felt and  Perceived Emotion and the Role  of Empathy
Emotionally Speaking: Expressing anger or Happiness in Dutch or English by Turkish-Dutch bilingual teenagers and ESL Dutch teenagers
Risk propensity effect on gaming emotions in negotiation
Trusted or distrusted? The effects of pride focus and relative performance on interpersonal trust
Pathos als blijmaker. Het opwekken van positieve emoties in sportreclames voor consumeringsmiddelen die in eerste instantie niet aan sport gerelateerd zijn.
The effect of emotion regulation on third-party intervention preferences: An exploratory study
The role of emotion regulation on third party intervention in Dictator Games
The costs of scarcity? A conditional process analysis of the influence of scarcity and emotions on decision making
