Leiden University Student Repository

Search results

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Beroepsaanduidingen in Nederlandse kranten: genderneutraal of gendermarkerend?
Fight, Flight, or Freeze the Glass Ceiling of Gendered Diplomacy
The Relationships Between Trauma, Empathy and Gender in Syrian Refugee Children
The Impact of Dysfunctional Parenting on Pro-Social Behaviour and the Role of Parent and Child Gender
Having power is one thing… how to perceive it is an entire other.
De hoeveelheid aan uren dagopvang per week in relatie met de hechtingsrelatie van het kind met de moeder en de rol van temperament en gender van het kind.
The Women's War
A Many-Headed Nomos: Athena's Body and the Monstrous Aegis
Predictors of Internalizing Problems in Youth with Type 1 Diabetes
Marriage Mismatches
COVID-19 Pandemic: Are Women at Risk for Adjustment Disorder Symptoms Because of Conflicts, Stay-At-Home Burden, and Violence?
The Role of Attachment and Gender in the Relation Between Maternal Love Withdrawal and Self-Esteem
Inquorate Gender in Latin
The Effect of Extraversion and Gender on Active Listening Skills of Leaders in Organisations and the  Relation of this Skill with Employee Well-being.
“I came from this ‘soft’ background and ended up among real estate dossier devourers”
De Relatie tussen Sociale Media Gebruik en Daderschap van Cyberpesten en de rol van Gender.
Power and gender
