Leiden University Student Repository

Search results

(1 - 11 of 11)
Stress and Pain: The influence of stress on nocebo hyperalgesia, heart rate and skin conductance
Cooperation under Threat
The effect of parental verbal expressions of threat versus safety on children’s heart rate responses to social tasks with strangers
Does the heart feel pain?
A meta-analysis on the physiological stress effects  of nature versus urban sites on stress: food for the  Generalised Unsafety Theory of Stress
Does attachment style matter in the physical and emotional reaction to social rejection?
The role of maternal self-regulation on emotion regulation patterns of 6-month old infants during the Still Face Paradigm
The effects of maternal behavior on the emotion regulation of 6- and 12-month-old infants
The Behavioral and Physiological Effect(s) of Social Defeat among Male Adolescents: A Pilot Study
Emotion Regulation of 6-Months Old Infants during the Still-Face Paradigm: (The) Effect(s) on the Autonomic Nervous System