Leiden University Student Repository

Search results

(1 - 20 of 23)


Navigating contradictions: Exploring ecobordering and climate change denial in British far-right parties
Blood Belongs: The Difficulties of Belonging in a Social Caste System for Non-White Immigrants in the US
Rising Right-Wing Populism in Europe: The Welfare State as a Mitigating Factor?
Armed Love in Denmark
Does Islamophobic rhetoric undermine collective self-esteem among Muslim Arab immigrants?
Foreigners in custody
Radical Right Parties and Welfare Rights of Immigrants
Immigration Attitudes and Support for Redistribution
Securitizing the Border: The Politics of the Border and the 9/11 Discourse in the US-Mexico Relations
The Korean Labour Shortage; Issues and Solutions
Understanding Japan's New ''Immigration Policy'': Conflicting Discourses and The Politics of Economic Migration
The PvdA, integrating an immigration policy
Multiculturalism in Japan: Intercultural Challenges in Anticipation of the Tokyo 2020 Olympics
Populist Resurgence: The Drivers of Right-Wing Populist Voting in the 21st Century Europe
Euroscepticism: A Pawn in the League's Agenda
Immigration discourse in Russia
“The Crimmigration Narrative in Contemporary Europe” : a selling strategy by the West- European populist establishment on Facebook and Twitter?
The Integration Process of Immigrants from the Middle East in Austria: Legal, Political and Socio-Cultural Aspects
