This study examines the impact of African Youth Activists (AYAs) at last year's Conference of the Parties (COP27). Despite being disproportionately affected by climate change, marginalized groups,...Show moreThis study examines the impact of African Youth Activists (AYAs) at last year's Conference of the Parties (COP27). Despite being disproportionately affected by climate change, marginalized groups, such as AYAs, often face challenges in having their voices adequately heard due to underlying structures that favor countries and non-governmental organizations from the Global North. The Political Opportunity Structure can be used to examine whether AYAs have opportunities to make a difference in a system. This involves evaluating whether there are entry points for new actors to enter the political process and whether the existing mechanisms within the system effectively accommodate and integrate new perspectives. To explore this, the study conducted 12 semi-structured interviews with AYAs to investigate how the existing power relations at COP impact their participation. The perception of AYAs on power relations and their opportunities for intervention provide insights into their reality and how they navigate the structural aspects of the political process. The findings of this research can be used to find places to intervene in the UNFCCC- system and improve activists' work at COPs in the future.Show less
Policing is a profession that has been glamorized through movies or TV shows such as Law & Order. However, police work is one of the most stressful occupations (Rodrigues et al., 2017) with...Show morePolicing is a profession that has been glamorized through movies or TV shows such as Law & Order. However, police work is one of the most stressful occupations (Rodrigues et al., 2017) with stress stemming from work circumstances such as working in shifts and from increased exposure to death, violence, and high-pressure situations. To better understand officers’ perception of how their duties and work environment affect their personal life, this paper reports on insights from an ethnographic study of six young, German police officers working in three cities in southwest Germany. The study found that male participants reported their job to lead to hypervigilance and a reduced social life. Furthermore, participants of all genders outlined that the profession increase their gratitude for their life and opportunities they had.Show less
Uit voorgaande onderzoeken is gebleken dat (oorlogs)correspondenten disproportioneel last hebben van gezondheidsproblemen, zoals een posttraumatische stress-stoornis. Dit komt, omdat zij zich voor...Show moreUit voorgaande onderzoeken is gebleken dat (oorlogs)correspondenten disproportioneel last hebben van gezondheidsproblemen, zoals een posttraumatische stress-stoornis. Dit komt, omdat zij zich voor langere tijd blootstellen aan gebeurtenissen die gepaard gaan met doodslag en verwonding. Tegelijkertijd heerst er een ‘suffer in silence’-cultuur, waarin de journalisten zich niet tot nauwelijks uiten over hun zwaktes, niet snel hulp zoeken en blijven werken in dit vakgebied. Om erachter te komen hoe dit is ontstaan en waar de oplossing ligt, zal antwoord worden gegeven op de volgende vraag: “Hoe construeren (oorlogs)correspondenten hun rol in de omgang met potentieel traumatiserende beelden en gebeurtenissen?” Voor dit onderzoek zijn semigestructureerde diepte-interviews afgenomen bij twaalf Nederlandse (oorlogs)correspondenten die nog steeds werkzaam zijn in het veld. Uit het huidige onderzoek blijkt dat in de rolconstructie van journalisten veel discrepantie heerst wat duidt op dissonantie. Zo vindt de journalist dat er te weinig aandacht wordt besteed aan de mentale gezondheid, terwijl zij hier wel degelijk problemen in ervaren. Toch zijn er nog steeds veel sporen van de machocultuur terug te zien in de manier hoe de journalisten zich al dan niet onbewust uiten. Dit heeft mede te maken met de verschillende rollen waar zij constant aan proberen te voldoen. De desbetreffende beroepsgroep is verstrikt geraakt in een vicieuze cirkel van roloriëntatie en rolvervulling. Uit de resultaten van dit onderzoek kunnen geen generaliserende en kwantitatieve conclusies getrokken worden, vanwege de verkennende onderzoeksmethode. Het vergt meer kwalitatief vervolgonderzoek om beter inzicht te krijgen in de dilemma’s waar journalisten tegenaan lopen, zodat hier op lange termijn verandering in kan worden gebracht door middel van passende hulpverlening – preventief of achteraf - die (oorlogs)correspondenten in de toekomst beter wapent tegen mentale gezondheidsproblemen.Show less
Crises impede the achievement of gender equality worldwide, and are unlikely to cede in the coming years. Therefore, understanding the gender effects of crises is crucial to inform policymakers and...Show moreCrises impede the achievement of gender equality worldwide, and are unlikely to cede in the coming years. Therefore, understanding the gender effects of crises is crucial to inform policymakers and strive towards universal gender equality. This thesis seeks to add a new empirical contribution to the existing state of art by exploring how the type of crisis affects gender equality. By pursuing a single-case study focused on Sweden, this thesis aims to address limitations of current literature on this topic, which often lacks thick description and has largely neglected country-specific analyses. Using feminist theory as the theoretical framework, this thesis compares and contrasts the impact of two types of crises on gender equality in Sweden, namely financial and climate crises through document analyses. Whereas financial crises had a limited impact on gender equality, which already enjoyed a high standard pre-crisis, climate crises had a much more profound impact on gender equality in Sweden. By comparing and contrasting findings, this thesis concludes that the type of crisis does matter in terms of the impact it has on gender equality as it varies significantly in terms of the scope and nature of impact.Show less