Leiden University Student Repository

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The STA OP! intervention and Family involvement: how family involvement impacts the result of the STA-OP! intervention on problematic behaviour for persons with dementia
1 Master Thesis: Child & Adolescent Psychology Date: 19.03.2023 Student number: s2194325 Supervisor: Annelinde Vandenbrouke Second reader: Jiemiao Chen The Effects of Decreasing Social Networking Site Use on Mental Health: An Experimental Study
The Effects of Decreasing Social Networking Site Use on Mental Health: An Experimental Study
Bewuster van de toekomst: Een studie over een interventie met virtual reality en een smartphone-applicatie voor het verbeteren van consideration of future consequences.
Covert opposition; how UAE intervention in Yemen defies small state international relations theory
The Adapted Namaste Care Family Program: Effects on Pain, Discomfort and Lack of Stimulation in People With Dementia. A Large Scale Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial
Why Canada became a global leader in peacekeeping in the 1960s and 1970s
The Regionalization of Intervention: A New Reality or a Passing Trend? The Examples of Mali and Sudan.
Interventions for parentally bereaved adolescents: What is their effectiveness? A systematic review and meta-analysis
Happy habits: Whether frequent positive thoughts can increase happiness
The Justification of the Humanitarian Intervention in Kosovo. An in-depth analysis of the justification of intervention in the humanitarian crisis in Kosovo in 1999
The long-term effects of a multidisciplinary treatment program for chronic low back pain
Effects of a Self-Determination Theory based intervention in university statistics education
The influence of action observation of chewing on masticatory ability and memory in older adults with dementia - a pilot study
De invloed van executief functioneren op competentiebeleving bij kinderen van 9 tot en met 12 jaar
Women in Science. The Effect of Training on Gender Bias Reduction in Academia.