Leiden University Student Repository

Search results

(1 - 20 of 31)


We Need to Talk: The Relationship between Motivation, Self-Stigma, and Self-Disclosure during Therapy
Examining the association between connectedness to nature and mental health in adolescents
The effectiveness of self-awareness focused interventions on children in a school setting: what is the influence of gender and mental health? A systematic review and meta-analysis
The Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Sleep: A Meta-Analysis
Mental Health in a Forgotten Student Population
The Impact of Workplace Cyberbullying and Traditional Workplace Bullying on Mental Health: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Reinventing psychedelic ceremonies in the digital age
Can parents really make or break you?
Exploring the Relationship between Contraceptive Method, Disordered Eating,  and Past Mental Health Problems: A Mediation Analysis
Workplace Bullying and Mental Health in Nurse Populations – A Meta-Analysis
Studying the relationship between adverse life events and mental health outcomes in students
Improving student wellbeing through the Caring Universities programmes: Identifying reasons for dropout
Geen zorgen voor morgen: De mediërende rol van self-efficacy in de effectiviteit van de FutureU-interventie op toekomstoriëntatie van studenten met een laag mentaal welzijn.
My End is my Beginning
Understanding the role of the first COVID-19 lockdown on students’ well-being
Perceived Academic Stress, Mental Health & Coping Strategies: A Cross-Cultural Study with American, Chinese & Dutch Students
De Invloed van het Type Sport op Angst en Depressie
Multidisciplinary treatment approach for patients with fibromyalgia: are general practitioners referring patients to physical and mental health care?
Vriendschappen en Mentale Gezondheid voor en tijdens de COVID-19 pandemie van adolescenten met nare jeugdervaringen
The Relationship between Optimism and Health-related  Quality of Life in a Healthy  Population
