Children with externalizing problems often experience multiple difficulties such as conflicts with peers, rejection, and having trouble with following instructions. The aim of this study was to...Show moreChildren with externalizing problems often experience multiple difficulties such as conflicts with peers, rejection, and having trouble with following instructions. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the relationship between parents experienced maltreatment and externalizing problems of children is mediated by positive parenting. Participants were 127 mothers, 92 fathers, and 141 children. The age of mothers ranged from 29 to 88 years, father’s age ranged from 27 to 82 years, and children’s age ranged from 8 to 63 years old. Parents completed a questionnaire about experienced maltreatment and their parents completed a version of this questionnaire about committed maltreatment towards them. This questionnaire exists of a combination of the Parent-Child Conflict Tactics Scales (CTS-PC) and the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ). For the measurement of externalizing problems children completed the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL), the Youth Self Report (YSR), or the Adult Self Report (ASR). Positive parenting was measured through observations of parent-child interactions in a lab. Results indicated that parents experienced maltreatment was not significantly associated with externalizing problems of their children. Additionally, the results showed that none, except one, of the paths in the mediation model were significant. The path from father’s positive parenting to externalizing problems of children was significant and negative, meaning that children of fathers with a high score on positive parenting show less externalizing problems. These findings highlight the importance of further research, and these findings should be used during the development of prevention- and intervention programs.Show less
In this study the role of negative early experiences in China prior to adoption of young children in the Netherlands was investigated. The goal of the study was to extract a clear picture from...Show moreIn this study the role of negative early experiences in China prior to adoption of young children in the Netherlands was investigated. The goal of the study was to extract a clear picture from reports given by adoptive parents, that can be used to prepare new adoptive parents for the possible consequences of negative early experiences and the potential problems and needs of their adopted child(ren) resulting from these experiences. The sample consisted of 987 adopted children (92% girls) who had an average age of 19 months upon arrival in the Netherlands. The primary caregiver was asked to fill in a questionnaire about their insight of possible negative experiences (such as malnutrition, neglect and maltreatment) before the adoption and about the effects on further physical and/or social-emotional development and physical and/or behavioural problems upon arrival. A large part (52.4%) of the adopted children with negative experiences, like malnutrition, social-emotional neglect, physical neglect and/or maltreatment, seemed to function quite well according to their parents. It was found, however, that Chinese adopted children with a background of negative early experiences are at greater risk of having physical and/or behavioural problems. The severity of the negative early experience and the age upon arrival in the Netherlands appear to play a distinct role: the children showed more problems when they were older than one year upon arrival and in case of serious adverse early experiences and multiple negative early experiences the children had more problems upon arrival. This study thus shows the importance of adoptive parents to be fully aware of the history of their Chinese adopted child in their anticipation of possible problems in physical, social-emotional and behavioural development.Show less
This thesis investigated whether maltreating mothers show more physiological reactivity during crying in an attachment paradigm than non-maltreating mothers and whether this relationship is...Show moreThis thesis investigated whether maltreating mothers show more physiological reactivity during crying in an attachment paradigm than non-maltreating mothers and whether this relationship is moderated by mothers own experience of child maltreatment. Previous research investigating physiological reactivity during crying yielded inconsistent results and did not show crying in a context. Because the reaction to crying in an attachment relationship is especially important, in this research project crying in an abstract animation movie showing an attachment paradigm was used. In this study data of 30 maltreating and 30 non-maltreating mothers was used. Maltreatment status was investigated with the Maltreatment Classification System and with the Maternal Maltreatment Classification Interview. Heart rate of the mothers was measured during viewing of the attachment paradigm. Own experience of maltreatment of the mothers was investigated with the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire. A significant decline in heart rate appeared for all mothers the first time they watched the attachment paradigm indicating an attention process. The results indicated no difference between maltreating and non-maltreating mothers in physiological reactivity during crying in the attachment paradigm. Mothers own experience of child maltreatment was not a significant moderator in this association. The attachment paradigm which was previously only used in research with infants has now proven to be usable in research with adults. Replication is needed in a bigger sample. Future research should investigate possible other moderating factors such as attachment representation and should use other measures to measure autonomic nervous system arousal.Show less
Steeds meer krijgt men de overtuiging dat kinderen, adolescenten en volwassenen met een verstandelijke beperking, kwetsbaar zijn voor seksueel misbruik. Als deze groep inderdaad kwetsbaar hiervoor...Show moreSteeds meer krijgt men de overtuiging dat kinderen, adolescenten en volwassenen met een verstandelijke beperking, kwetsbaar zijn voor seksueel misbruik. Als deze groep inderdaad kwetsbaar hiervoor is, dan rijst de vraag of kinderen, jongeren en volwassenen met een verstandelijke beperking daarmee ook vaker slachtoffer worden van seksueel misbruik. In deze literatuurstudie is onderzocht of mensen met een verstandelijke beperking vaker met seksueel misbruik in aanraking komen dan mensen zonder verstandelijke beperking. Uit de vijf onderzochte studies komt naar voren dat kinderen, jongeren en volwassenen met een verstandelijke beperking een sterk verhoogd risico hebben op seksueel misbruik vergeleken met kinderen, jongeren en volwassenen zonder verstandelijke beperking. Mogelijk liggen verschillende verklaringen zoals cognitieve tekortkomingen, geen of gebrekkige seksuele voorlichting en een levenslange afhankelijkheidsrelatie ten grondslag aan deze kwetsbaarheid. Ook is nagegaan, op basis van het onderzoek naar de prevalentie van Seksueel Misbruik in de Nederlandse Jeugdzorg of er verschillen zijn in de risicofactoren geslacht en leeftijd tussen slachtoffers van seksueel misbruik met en zonder lichte verstandelijke beperking (LVB). Meisjes lijken in mindere mate oververtegenwoordigd in de LVB-groep, maar het verschil blijkt statistisch niet significant. Ook zijn er geen verschillen in leeftijd gevonden tussen beide groepen.Show less
Gezien het beperkte aantal studies naar kindermishandeling en de plegers ervan binnen de Nederlandse jeugdzorg, betreft de vraagstelling in het huidige onderzoek: ‘Wat zijn de kenmerken van plegers...Show moreGezien het beperkte aantal studies naar kindermishandeling en de plegers ervan binnen de Nederlandse jeugdzorg, betreft de vraagstelling in het huidige onderzoek: ‘Wat zijn de kenmerken van plegers van seksueel misbruik en fysieke kindermishandeling binnen de Nederlandse jeugdzorg?'. Het doel is om plegers van seksueel misbruik en fysieke mishandeling bij jongens en meisjes te vergelijken op gebied van hun geslacht, leeftijd en relatie tot het slachtoffer. Door middel van zelfrapportage hebben jongeren, die in 2010 in een residentiële jeugdzorginstelling en/of pleegzorg in Nederland zaten, aangegeven of ze slachtoffer zijn geweest van kindermishandeling. De 271 jongeren die deelnamen waren in 2010 tussen de 12 en 18 jaar, waarbij 70 van hen slachtoffer waren van seksueel misbruik en 64 van fysieke mishandeling.Show less