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(21 - 37 of 37)


“Bravely Towards The New Ages”? The Post-War Reconstruction of Austria’s National Identity
The Street Belongs to Women, Too! A Gendered Analysis of the Egyptian Revolution and its Influence on Gender Roles for Women in Egypt
Migration to China and Attitudes Towards Unification and National Identity Among Young Taiwanese
Identity crisis and the reshaping of Egypt's national identity under Sadat
Making and Remaking Dutch Identity. The Rijksmuseum Amsterdam and the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
The Arctic in Contemporary Russian Politics: How the Putin Regime Uses the Arctic to Support its Fragile Legitimacy and Strengthen Russia’s National Identity
Changing representations of national and proto-national identities: A case study of the Bulgarian nationalist discourse
Encounters with the Other in Russian Blockbuster Movies: An analysis of what "the other" suggests about Russia's national self in three Russian blockbuster motion pictures
REVISITING THE PAST, (RE)IMAGINING THE FUTURE. Three Case Studies on Post Yugoslavia: Articulations of Post Yugoslav National Identities at the 55th Venice Biennale
National Heroes, Local Memory and Dutch Identity in the Museum
The Role of History Education in Constructing Taiwanese National Identity: Students’ Perspective
National Identity and Nation Branding in Argentina
Costa Rica’s national image of being the regional exception: whiteness and the exclusion of minority groups as part of the national identity of Costa Rica
"Afwijkende Mensen." Formulating perspectives on the Dutch ULTRA scene.
A Little War? “Gotcha!”: Changing Representations of Margaret Thatcher and the Falklands War, 1982-2014
