Leiden University Student Repository

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Are You Sick Enough? Investigating Presenteeism in Working Millennials
Money and Mindsets: An  Examination of Neuroticism’s  Impact on Risk-taking in the  Face of Scarcity
De relatie tussen trauma en opvoedstress
The associations of neuroticism and conscientiousness with internet addiction in Dutch adolescents: exploring the mediating role of perceived social support
The Influence of Catastrophizing, Neuroticism and Anxiety on Attentional Bias Towards Itch
Association of the “Big” Personality Factors Neuroticism, Conscientiousness, and Extraversion with Anxiety-Related Attentional Bias: A Transdiagnostic Approach to Studying the Personality-Psychopathology Theory
The moderating role of personality in the relationship between chronotype and alcohol consumption
Power and gender
Does the character trait neuroticism predict healthy individuals’ attentional bias towards visual itch stimuli?
A Closer Look at the  Relationship between Optimism  and Depressive Symptoms
Neuroticism and COVID-19 Stress in relation to ObsessiveCompulsive Symptoms
Let’s get it on(line)
The role of neuroticism and extraversion on decision-making under risk and ambiguity in adolescence
The covert mechanism of emotion regulation
The role of personality and expectations in self-reported itch
The role of neuroticism in the intergenerational transmission of childhood maltreatment