Leiden University Student Repository

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The Power of Media and  Multiculturalism in the Schilderswijk
Beroepsaanduidingen in Nederlandse kranten: genderneutraal of gendermarkerend?
Media-voorkeuren en vertrouwen in de overheid
The Intentions behind a Proposal to Paraphrase Western Loanwords in Japan and a Comparison of its Effects on Two Newspapers
The AfD, FPÖ, and leading online newspapers: Friend or enemy?
Grabbing and Guiding Your Attention: Art Theories on Composition Applied to the Newspaper Front Page
The development of the public debate in the Israeli newspapers regarding Donald Trump
A Struggle for Democracy: A Textual Analysis of Newspaper Articles Reporting on the Hong Kong Democracy Protests in 2014
Depiction of Minorities in Chinese media
Rampen in Koloniaal Indonesië