War videogames support and reproduce neo-imperialist rhetoric and world views. Videogames, due to their interactive nature, differ from any other cultural product and allow the consumer (player) to...Show moreWar videogames support and reproduce neo-imperialist rhetoric and world views. Videogames, due to their interactive nature, differ from any other cultural product and allow the consumer (player) to actively participate in the embedded narratives present in any game. In the following thesis, interviews with members of the military have been carried out and five videogames have been considered in the analysis (America’s Army: Proving Grounds, Airman Challenge, Counter Strike: Global Offensive, Battlefield 3 and Arma 3). Through a Gramscian approach, benefiting from concepts such as hegemony and persuasion and the understanding of ideas as material forces, and the use of audiovisual methods, the research has explored the role of absence and impossibility in the reproduction of hegemonic worldviews in war videogames.Show less
Previous research on speech fluency and persuasiveness has generally focused on the effect that measures of speech fluency have on measures of perceived persuasiveness in native speech. In this...Show morePrevious research on speech fluency and persuasiveness has generally focused on the effect that measures of speech fluency have on measures of perceived persuasiveness in native speech. In this study an experiment was carried out to examine how the fluency measure of speech rate affects native and non-native speech in four different persuasive scenarios. Recordings of a native and non-native speaker were manipulated phonetically, resulting in fast and slow recordings for each scenario. Persuasiveness was measured on three dimensions, with one measure of belief change, and two measures of perceived persuasiveness: message perception and speaker perception. The results indicated that the persuasiveness of native and non-native speech is affected differently by speech fluency manipulations. A significant interaction was found for two of the three variables (belief change and speaker perception), indicating that the native speaker was more persuasive with a higher speech rate, whereas the persuasiveness of the non-native speaker was unaffected. For the message perception variable, there was no significant interaction effect, but there was a significant effect for fluency and nativeness, indicating the native speaker was more persuasive, and the fast speaker was more persuasiveShow less
This thesis investigates the persuasion methods used by ISIS in several propaganda videos and how these methods psychologically appeal to western male youths.
For persuasion, attitudes are targeted through the transmission of a message. This message is usually transmitted through the medium of language, with all its cultural meanings. Additionally,...Show moreFor persuasion, attitudes are targeted through the transmission of a message. This message is usually transmitted through the medium of language, with all its cultural meanings. Additionally, attitudes are also connected to culture, and thus persuasion is culture specific. This has implications for translation, as the translator finds him- or herself in the perfect spot for intercultural mediation. If we want the persuasive message to have the same effect on the target audience as it does on the source audience, then the message needs to be adapted to the target culture. There is still a debate on how much translators should be allowed to intervene in these persuasive messages, and the commissioner seems to have the biggest influence on the way the message is translated. In practice, we don’t see much cultural colouring in speeches by Mark Rutte and David Cameron, rendering these speeches relatively culture neutral.Show less
Aanleiding voor dit onderzoek zijn uiteenlopende claims afkomstig uit de neurowetenschappen en (neuro)marketingpraktijk waaruit blijkt dat consumenten ‘onbewust’ of ‘breingericht’ beïnvloed kunnen...Show moreAanleiding voor dit onderzoek zijn uiteenlopende claims afkomstig uit de neurowetenschappen en (neuro)marketingpraktijk waaruit blijkt dat consumenten ‘onbewust’ of ‘breingericht’ beïnvloed kunnen worden in hun (koop)gedrag. Verwacht werd dat de manieren om consumenten ‘onbewust’ of ‘breingericht’ te beïnvloeden verschillen van de manieren die Hoeken in het boek Overtuigende Teksten noemt om consumenten te beïnvloeden in hun gedrag. Uiteindelijk bleek dat inzichten uit adviesboeken over ‘onbewust’ of ‘breingericht’ beïnvloeden relatief weinig waarde hebben voor het bevorderen van de effectiviteit van teksten waarin producten of diensten gepromoot worden. Uitzondering hierop zijn beïnvloedingstactieken die samenhangen met ‘prijsperceptie’, ‘schaarste’ en ‘prijspijn’. Het lijkt mij van belang om een ‘passend’ theoretisch kader te ontwikkelen voor het ontwerpen en beoordelen van reclameteksten. Ik raad aan om daarbij, in tegenstelling tot de geraadpleegde (advies)literatuur, een context-georiënteerd marketingperspectief in te nemen waarin de behoefte van de consument centraal staat. Zo’n kader zou een waardevolle aanvulling op het boek Overtuigende Teksten zijn. Show less