Leiden University Student Repository

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Subtle persuasion: The role of absence and impossibility in war videogames.
"A Most Awakening Sermon" The Persuasive Function of Style in Jonathan Edwards's Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God
The Online Battlefield: Subconscious Persuasion on Social Media during the 2016 US Presidential Election
Persuasion in native and non-native speech: the effect of speech rate on measures of belief change and perceived persuasiveness
Effects of financial scarcity on susceptibility to persuasion tactics
When having less money causes more spending: Relationship between financial stress and resistance to persuasion
Poor decisions: The impact of heuristic persuasion on decision making under financial stress
Austen's Implicit Realism: a  Critical Discussion of Austen's Allusions to Political and Social Reality in Mansfield Park and Persuarion
Persuasion Strategies in Terrorist Recruitment: The Case of ISIS
Translation, Persuasion, and Intercultural Mediation: What role do culture-specific elements play in the translation of persuasive messages
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