According to Gibson (1962) fixation on key features of letters has a major role in the development of emergent literacy. But it was still unknown which role key features of letters had on children...Show moreAccording to Gibson (1962) fixation on key features of letters has a major role in the development of emergent literacy. But it was still unknown which role key features of letters had on children who can’t read or write conventional. The following hypotheses where tested in this research: ‘Do 4-year old children fixate more on key features of letters than 3-year old children?’, ‘Do 4-year old children fixate longer on key features of letters than 3-year old children?’, ‘Mediates letter knowledge the relation number of fixations on key features of letters and emergent writing?’ and ‘Mediates letter knowledge the relation fixation time on key features of letters and emergent writing?’ In this research 75 4-year old and 104 3-year old children participated. The Tobii eye tracker x2-60 recorded the fixation count and duration on key features of letters. Besides using the eye tracker device, a letter knowledge task has been taken. At the same time a test was taken to determine the stage of emergent writing. The first task of the letter perception test was not significant (P > .05). But there was a significant difference between the 3- and 4-year old and the second task fixation count on key features of letters, t (171) = -2.05, p = .042. A significant difference between the 3- and 4-year old was shown on the second task fixation duration on key features of letters, t (171) = -2.83, p = .005. Additionally can be concluded that letter knowledge (p < .01) mediates significant between the first and second task fixation duration and the first and second task fixation count on key features of letters and emergent writing. Concluding, from the early childhood letter fixation on key features of letters has influence on the further development of emergent literacy.Show less