Leiden University Student Repository

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Ceramics Re-Functionalized
Ceramics Re-Functionalized
Chasing the potter's wheel across Bronze Age Greek mainland and islands
Sugar Production in Medieval Cyprus
Mapping Ottoman Pottery in the Balkans: A case study from Belgrade, Sofia and Varna (15th-19th century)
Earth and Ashes. A Provenance Study of a 12th-13th Middle-late Byzantine Pottery Assemblage from Sagalassos, Turkey.
Wear and Tear in Early Iron Age Europe, An experimental approach to use-wear analysis on selected assemblages of household ware pottery from the settlements Mont Lassois and the Heuneburg
Why Black?
The social uses of animals in the Halaf period: On the meanings of animal remains and animal representations
Precious pets, precious pots: Animals in Halaf ceramic art from Tell Sabi Abyad (Syria)
Ceramic Synergy: The position of Deir 'Alla in the Middle to Late Bronze Age transition based on pottery and settlement patterns
Ceramic versus Metal. The impact of the 1980s debate on the value of pottery versus metal in today's museums