The intergalactic medium (IGM) contains most of the baryonic matter of the Universe and serves as a suitable environment for probing the thermal history of the Universe. The crucial moment in IGM...Show moreThe intergalactic medium (IGM) contains most of the baryonic matter of the Universe and serves as a suitable environment for probing the thermal history of the Universe. The crucial moment in IGM evolution is the Epoch of Reionization, corresponding to the transition from neutral to ionized IGM. However, due to the observational limitations, this period is still not well understood. In this thesis, we focus on constraining IGM thermal history by using Lyman-alpha forests data. This method is applicable in a wide range of temperatures, densities, and ionization fractions of cosmic gas at z about 2 − 5. Observations show that the longitudinal flux power spectrum of the Lyman-α forest exhibits a cut-off at small scales. This phenomenon is caused by thermal Doppler broadening, peculiar velocities along the line of sight (LOS), Hydrogen pressure smoothing, and warm dark matter. The first two effects act only along LOS, while the last two affect all spatial directions. To separate the one-dimensional and three-dimensional effects, we used the method of close quasar pairs, which is based on studying the correlations between Lyman-alpha forests of close quasar pairs. We used the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to analyze the differences between distributions of phase difference, which characterizes correlations between Lyman-alpha forests. The calculations were performed for various thermal histories, parameters characterizing IGM, LOS separations, and wavenumbers, and accounting for different effects (Doppler broadening and peculiar velocities). Our results indicate that this method can distinguish various thermal histories regardless of the IGM thermal state and one-dimensional effects. Moreover, at separations of the order of pressure broadening, there is a prominent feature caused by different influences of pressure smoothing at large and small scales. In addition, this simple and powerful approach has the potential to distinguish scenarios with warm dark matter.Show less