USA reality competition television series RuPaul’s Drag Race has seen a rise in popularity since it first aired in 2009 and can be watched in several countries across different platforms. This...Show moreUSA reality competition television series RuPaul’s Drag Race has seen a rise in popularity since it first aired in 2009 and can be watched in several countries across different platforms. This global interest causes the need to translate the series’ English language into other languages. The use of language that is specific to the drag community and gay community, one that is tied to both gender and sexuality, as explored in this thesis, causes the translator to have to deal with community-specific words. A fairly recent phenomenon, the concept of translating this community-specific language and its translation into Dutch has not yet been extensively discussed. This thesis aims to find patterns that are visible in the translation procedures used (based on the concept of translation procedures by Newmark) for the translation of language tied to the drag and gay community, for the Dutch Netflix subtitles of three episodes of RuPaul’s Drag Race. Some of this language is maintained in the audiovisual translation, while other language is modified or removed. This modification or removal might possibly cause a different viewing experience for the Dutch viewer as compared to a viewer who only uses the source text, and causes a loss of meaning of cultural elements related to the drag community.Show less
This thesis examines the development of South Korea's multiculturalism discourse, specifically with regards to multicultural families. To establish how the multicultural discourse developed in a...Show moreThis thesis examines the development of South Korea's multiculturalism discourse, specifically with regards to multicultural families. To establish how the multicultural discourse developed in a local context in the 2010s, a reality TV program, Global Family's Life in Korea, will be analyzed. The thesis will answer the question of how the reality genre, particularly the case of Global Family's Life in Korea, is significant in how the Korean multiculturalism discourse is currently developing.Show less