Leiden University Student Repository

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Exploring the Mediating Role of Rumination in the Relationship between Childhood Emotional Neglect and Intimate Partner Violence
The impact of COVID-19 on adults’ and adolescents’ sleep quality and nighttime rumination
De relatie tussen kindermishandeling en empathie en de mogelijk mediërende rol van ruminatie
A Mediating Role of Rumination in the Association Between Parental Trait Anxiety and Verbal Threat Transmission of Covid-19 in the Family
Moderating Role of Perseverative Negative Cognitions in the Association Between Academic Stress and Sleep
Brooding Rumination and Reflective Pondering in Relation to Stress and Sleep Quality
Relationship between Attentional Control and Poor Sleep Quality: Mediation via Rumination
Don’t think about it  ̶  Perfectionism and sleep quality: possible mediatory role of maladaptive repetitive thinking
Maladaptive Repetitive Thinking and Stress: The Potential Impact on Late Adolescents and Young Adults
On Repeat? Maladaptive Repetitive Thinking as a Moderator Between Academic Stress and Sleep Quality in Students
Effects of rumination on the default mode network and the central executive network in healthy individuals
Trait Hedonic Capacity on Alleviating Negative Emotions through Luxury  Consumption and the Effects of a Price Discount
Chronotype effects on sleep quality and pre-sleep rumination
The mechanism of externalizing behavior uncovered: The effect of a combination of neuropsychological deficits in the development of externalizing behavior in a sample of children with an extra X chromosome