Leiden University Student Repository

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Securitization and Differential Reporting on Migration Policies: A double Comparative Case Study of the Coverage of Ukrainian Refugees and the Migrants that are Affected by the Rwanda Asylum Plan, in the Guardian and the Daily Mail.
Between theory and practice: The African Peace Facility and the securitization of EU development policy
Russian passportization in the Donbas region: Ukraine's security frame
What is the added value of the EU membership in the field of cybersecurity?
Securitizing the Border: The Politics of the Border and the 9/11 Discourse in the US-Mexico Relations
The (de)securitization of migrations in the European Union
Politics first, laughter second? President Trump's border wall and the popular geopolitics of televised late-night political satire in the United States
Securitization, Political Discourses and Islamist Terrorism
The 'threat' of Climate Induced Migration
Criminalizing Refugees: A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Narratives on Forced Migration
Did He Walk The Talk? Analysing Barack Obama’s Rhetoric and Practice on Energy and Climate Change
Securitizing the Rise of China under the Obama Administration
Let the dust settle: Re-examining the influence of 9/11 on the securitization of EU migration policy
Emergence of an Alternative Left: The impact of Shinzō Abe’s constitutional reinterpretation
Reinterpreting Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution: An analysis of collective self-defense and the China threat narrative
Counterterrorism within the European Union. Terrorism as an 'argument' for improvement
Securitizing Climate Change - Why the Way Climate Change is Framed Matters