Leiden University Student Repository

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A Scholar’s Library from the Seventeenth Century: The Books of Gregorio Leti (1630-1701)
Fundamentalism in the seventeenth century of the Ottoman Empire
SOCIAL CONNECTIONS AND PUBLIC HONOR. Comparing Punishment and Social Mobility of European Soldiers and Enslaved African in New Netherland, 1638-1664
A Report on Hungary through the Curious Observations of Edward Browne 1669
"I to Solitude am still confind". Confinement and Resistance in Lady Hester Pulter's Poetry
Greek Education in the Seventeenth-Century Dutch Republic: Standardisation, Schoolbooks and Students
Reading Spaces in Seventeenth-Century New Spain. A Historical Approach to Reading
‘Ontdaen van de radicale qualiteyten ende de hooge bedieninge’. Johan van Reede, heer van Van Renswoude (1593-1682). Een politieke biografie