De Tweede Boerenoorlog in Zuidelijk Afrika aan het einde van de negentiende eeuw bracht veel teweeg onder de gemoederen in Nederland. Veel mensen steunden de Boeren, die grotendeels afstammelingen...Show moreDe Tweede Boerenoorlog in Zuidelijk Afrika aan het einde van de negentiende eeuw bracht veel teweeg onder de gemoederen in Nederland. Veel mensen steunden de Boeren, die grotendeels afstammelingen waren van Nederlandse kolonisten. Door middel van een bottom-up benadering van nationalisme richt dit onderzoek zich op de steun die van onderaf ontstond voor de Boeren, zowel als het gaat om liefdadigheidsinitiatieven als om advertenties voor de Boeren en hoe die tot uiting werd gebracht. Concluderend toont dit onderzoek aan dat, ondanks onderlinge verschillen, mensen uit allerlei verschillende zuilen, klassen en hoeken van Nederland steun betuigden aan de Boeren. Het is het bewijs dat het Nederlandse nationalisme was gegroeid en uitgebreid naar gebieden en mensen die buiten de welgestelde, protestantse en stedelijke elite van Holland vielen.Show less
In order to establish whether the South African energy industry is in need of external assistance to develop and successfully mature, this dissertation focuses on the commercial engagement between...Show moreIn order to establish whether the South African energy industry is in need of external assistance to develop and successfully mature, this dissertation focuses on the commercial engagement between China and South Africa in the renewable energy industry for the purposes of attaining growth in South African renewable sources of energy. Research on this matter is juxtaposed to a more domestic answer to the issues of renewable energy generation in South Africa, namely the Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme (REIPPPP). By drawing a comparison between these two, this thesis provides an answer as to whether Chinese external involvement in the South African renewable energy industry is contributing to a shift towards sustainable energy production. Ultimately, this dissertation provides an answer to the following question: To what extent has international energy cooperation, especially between China and South Africa, facilitated growth in the South African renewable energy sector when compared to the South African Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme (REIPPPP)? With this question in mind, this thesis argues that the highly active Chinese actors in the South African renewable energy industry, mainly Huawei, are (most likely to remain) the main force driving South Africa’s transition towards sustainable development. This is supported with evidence proving the superiority of such actors in terms of experience, knowledge and the provision of technology tailored specifically towards the needs of the South African case as opposed to the efforts made by domestic firms and suppliers.Show less
Research master thesis | Linguistics (research) (MA)
open access
The present study explores the relationship between multilingualism and expressiveness, with reference to the case of ideophones in Zulu. Ideophones make up a large and productive word class in...Show moreThe present study explores the relationship between multilingualism and expressiveness, with reference to the case of ideophones in Zulu. Ideophones make up a large and productive word class in Zulu, as they do in most Bantu languages (Nkabinde, 1986; Doke & Vilakazi, 1951). However, a study by Childs (1996) found that ideophone knowledge and use is in decline among young Zulu speakers in South Africa, likely because of influence from Afrikaans and English as prestige languages which do not have ideophones. This study seeks to follow up on this and expand upon it with the inclusion of gestures and an investigation of the attitudes surrounding ideophone use. The central finding is that the results here conform to Childs’s (1996) prediction that ideophone use is decreasing among Zulu speakers; however, ideophones are generally positively perceived by urban speakers, which stands in stark contrast to what Childs (1996) found. The implications of these positive attitudes are discussed in light of South Africa’s sociolinguistic history and current context. Lastly, I posit the tentative hypothesis that many of the functions of ideophones have persisted into urban Zulu in the form of onomatopoeia and even code-switching.Show less