This study examines how the obsession with education affects the total fertility rate in South Korea. Among many factors, educational expenses weigh heavy when it comes to deciding to have another...Show moreThis study examines how the obsession with education affects the total fertility rate in South Korea. Among many factors, educational expenses weigh heavy when it comes to deciding to have another child. This study shows how education has been a means of social mobility throughout Korea’s history, how traces of this are still visible in contemporary South Korea, and how educational developments during the last century have caused private educational expenses to rise significantly. The results show that the societal preoccupation with status and education brings about excessive educational expenditures, causing parents to hold off on having a child or to give up on having another child completely, and thus lowering the total fertility rate.Show less
This paper makes a comparative case analysis between the independent status-seeking foreign policies of Gaullist France and Erdoğanist Turkey to provide a novel theoretical framework for...Show moreThis paper makes a comparative case analysis between the independent status-seeking foreign policies of Gaullist France and Erdoğanist Turkey to provide a novel theoretical framework for understanding the struggle for status within multilateral alliances. Using theories related to the role of “status” and “national role conceptions” in international relations, it analyzes how status-seeking foreign policies aimed at asserting French and Turkish great power status, led France and Turkey to clash with the Atlantic bloc’s hegemon – the United States – which attempted to curb their ambitions to protect its own status, leading both France and Turkey to adopt more confrontational status-seeking strategies, which affected their position within the Atlantic bloc and turned them into “rogue members”. Based on this comparison, this paper posits a “rogue member theory” that can help analyze the struggle for status within multilateral alliances between aspiring great powers and the alliance’s hegemonic state.Show less
Mensen die met een buitenlands accent spreken krijgen vaak te maken met discriminatie op basis van hun accent als gevolg van stigmatisering. Eerder onderzoek heeft uitgewezen dat moedertaalsprekers...Show moreMensen die met een buitenlands accent spreken krijgen vaak te maken met discriminatie op basis van hun accent als gevolg van stigmatisering. Eerder onderzoek heeft uitgewezen dat moedertaalsprekers in veel opzichten een voorsprong hebben op sprekers met een buitenlands accent, en dat gestigmatiseerde accenten ook negatiever worden beoordeeld dan minder gestigmatiseerde accenten. In deze scriptie worden de oordelen vergeleken van tachtig Nederlandse moedertaalsprekers over NT2ers met een Brits of Koerdisch accent. In een online enquête gaven zij scores aan de spreker, die zij hoorden in een opname, op verschillende aspecten die te maken hadden met ‘status’ en ‘solidariteit. Uit de resultaten kwam naar voren dat de spreker met Brits als moedertaal significant beter beoordeeld werd op zowel de status als de solidariteitsaspecten. In een exploratieve analyse waarin de inschatting van het land van herkomst werd meegenomen werd er geen significant effect gevonden van deze verwachting op de gegeven scores.Show less
The aim of this thesis is to study the influence of status on the prevalence of non-specific stress in post-medieval London. This is researched by comparing the prevalence of two non-specific...Show moreThe aim of this thesis is to study the influence of status on the prevalence of non-specific stress in post-medieval London. This is researched by comparing the prevalence of two non-specific stress markers in and between two high-status populations (Chelsea Old Church and St. Bride’s Fleet Street) and two low-status populations (St. Bride’s Lower Churchyard and Cross Bones burial ground) from post-medieval London. The non-specific stress markers that were used in the comparisons were the prevalence of enamel hypoplasia and growth (through mean femur length). The high-status and low-status populations were compared on their own as well as together, combining Chelsea Old Church and St. Bride’s Fleet Street into one high-status population and St. Bride’s Lower Churchyard and Cross Bones burial ground into one low-status population. The four populations, as well as the aggregated populations, were divided into several age groups and the two sexes for (statistical) comparison. In the results it was found that over all, the high-status population of post-medieval London had less (severe) non-specific stress, but that when the populations were studied separately and divided into groups, the results became more nuanced. It was shown that the population from St. Bride’s Fleet Street experienced the least (severe) non-specific stress, the population from Cross Bones burial ground experienced the most (severe) non-specific stress and the populations from Chelsea Old Church and St. Bride’s Lower Churchyard experienced a similar amount (and severity) of stress.Show less
This study will answer the question: can we discover social differentiation in cemeteries using joint diseases such as osteoarthritis (OA) after correlating social status with burial positioning?...Show moreThis study will answer the question: can we discover social differentiation in cemeteries using joint diseases such as osteoarthritis (OA) after correlating social status with burial positioning? In order to successfully carry out this research, the relationship between status and burial positioning had to be confirmed. Individuals of different statuses often differ in their burial treatment. To discover if joint diseases could be used as a proxy for finding social differentiation, OA is linked to status. Lower classes could have had more mechanical stress in their joints because of hard physical labour, resulting in a higher OA prevalence within this group. This theory could now be tested on a cemetery, for which St Peter’s Church Cemetery in Barton-upon-Humber is used. A big cemetery with almost a thousand years of occupation, from 950 AD to 1855 AD, which makes it a perfect case study for a study like this. Five different cemetery phases (grouped A to E) are analysed individually. This study looked at sex and age distribution, and correlated this to burial positioning. Two main methods are used. First the burials inside the church are compared with burials outside the church. Secondly, different fields outside the church are compared to each other. The comparisons are also statistically tested and furthermore each grave is marked on a burial plan. This resulted in excellent overviews of the OA prevalence in the cemetery. Some patterning is discovered, suggesting that the burial locations of different social classes are not distributed at random. In using these methods, the main question of the thesis could be answered. Osteoarthritis can be used to discover social differentiation on St Peter’s Church Cemetery. Therefore, the theory of using joint diseases to discover social differentiation in cemeteries after correlating social status with burial positioning, turned out to be reliable. However, it must be used in combination with other disciplines and resources to strengthen its reliability.Show less
The goal of this essay is to prove that national identity, as perceived by the Russian leadership plays an important role in the making of Russian foreign policy. The thesis is that Russian...Show moreThe goal of this essay is to prove that national identity, as perceived by the Russian leadership plays an important role in the making of Russian foreign policy. The thesis is that Russian-Brazilian relations confirm this importance of identity in Russian foreign policy. Although Russia and Brazil share certain commonalities when it comes to the size of the countries and populations, the leadership potential that comes with that, the developments they have gone through over the past century, similarities in their economies and some of the social issues they face today, in a practical sense they do not have that much in common. Geographically, they are remote from one another, historically they have been on opposite sides of the Cold War and they have very different regime types, Brazil being a fully-fledged democracy whereas Russia boasts a hybrid regime with authoritarian traits. They could easily conduct their internal and external affairs without investing any time and effort in bilateral relations, as they more or less have done in the 1990s. Therefore, Moscow’s relations with Brasilia make an interesting case to explore the motivations behind, as they are neither self-explanatory nor indispensable. This essay does not aim to prove that Russian-Brazilian relations are essential to Russian foreign policy. As abovementioned, they clearly are not indispensable. The Russian leadership does identify Brazil as a key partner in Latin America and describes the relationship as being of strategic importance , and in recent years the Kremlin has attributed increasing importance to relations with Latin America, but there can be no doubt that the region takes a backseat to Europe, Asia and North-America in Russian foreign policy. This essay merely sets out to demonstrate that matters of national identity play a role in the making of Russian foreign policy, and aims to lend further credence to this thesis by analysing Russian-Brazilian relations. To this end, part I of this essay offers an analysis of Russian foreign policy in the 21st century, paying special attention to Realist tendencies and matters that seem to illustrate the importance of identity, whereas part II of this essay focuses on Russian-Brazilian relations and how these seem to indicate the importance of identity in Russian foreign policy.Show less
Bachelor thesis | Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology (BSc)
open access
Deze scriptie behandelt de vraag hoe een nadere analyse van de positie van de vrouw op het platteland een bijdrage kan leveren aan theorievorming over het effect van ruraal-urbane migratie op de...Show moreDeze scriptie behandelt de vraag hoe een nadere analyse van de positie van de vrouw op het platteland een bijdrage kan leveren aan theorievorming over het effect van ruraal-urbane migratie op de positie van de vrouw afkomstig van het platteland. In de meeste wetenschappelijke studies over ruraal-urbane migratie wordt de ‘uitgangssituatie’ van vrouwen en mannen als bekend verondersteld, waardoor de positie van mannen en vrouwen op het platteland niet nader wordt onderzocht. Zo geeft Lawson in haar artikel (1998) aan dat de sociale constructie van gender op het platteland in Calca, Peru, aanvankelijk was gebaseerd op complementariteit tussen mannen en vrouwen, ofwel een systeem waarin beide partners een gelijke status hebben door hun bijdragen aan levensonderhoud. Aan de hand van een nadere analyse van de positie van Andina vrouwen en mannen op het Boliviaanse platteland blijkt echter dat de veronderstelde situatie van complementariteit op het platteland in de praktijk toch een ongelijke relatie inhoudt, waarbij vrouwen op veel vlakken ondergeschikt zijn aan de man. Een verdere analyse van de effecten op de op het platteland achterblijvende vrouwen bij migratie van hun echtgenoten naar de stad laat ook zien dat de ongelijkheid tussen mannen en vrouwen op termijn kan toenemen door migratie, maar dat dit niet zozeer een verandering van de gender-relaties inhoudt. Op basis hiervan wordt geconcludeerd dat het voor de theorievorming over de gender-effecten van migratie weldegelijk van belang is de sociale context van het platteland in de analyse mee te nemen.Show less
Deze Bachelor scriptie gaat over de relatie tussen grafgoederen en de status van een persoon, er is onderzoek gedaan naar de verschillende grafgiften en bij wie deze gevonden worden.