Leiden University Student Repository

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Death, Bodies and the Rationalization of Time
mHealth Solutions for Africa
Italy and Its Perception of the Risk of Engagement with China in R&D Projects in Science and Technology
AI, Ain't I A Woman? Seeking a New Feminist Ethics of Technology, Between Algorithmic Decision-Making Processes and the European Legislation
Rehumanising e-health: A case study approach using self-determination theory to understand blended learning and blended care in Central Uganda
The self-portrait, inside out - The implications of incorporating medical procedures in self-portraiture
A Dispositive Analysis of the China Social Credit System: Traditional Chinese Morals & Ethics Shaping Big-Data Governance
Can Privacy Survive in the Digital Age
An Analysis of the Effectiveness of China’s Blockchain Policy for its Global Ambitions in Technological Development
Novel Disruption: How Text Mining May Change Literature
The German Energiewende as a technonology-driven sectorial transformation