Leiden University Student Repository

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Empathy, Trust and Contagious Behaviours: The Influence of Different Social Settings
In China, We Trust - The Moral Crisis, Social Control and Social Credit System
The influence of trust and social value orientation in a volunteer’s dilemma
The influence of information (a)symmetry and unexpected incomes on trustworthiness
Trust game with unexpected outcomes and asymmetric information
The effect of asymmetric information and unexpected outcomes on trustworthiness
Investigating the effect of sexual arousal on trust: A pupillometry study
The effects of (pseudo) voice and companies' reputation on integrity-based trust in project developers
Interactie met de gezichten van NOS op 3.
Finding the uneasy balance; A case study into Community Policing in Mostar
Trust in Mitumba: Trade relationships in the Kenyan second-hand clothing market
Differing Teacher and Student Perceptions of Feedback during Mentoring Sessions about Internship Performance
