Leiden University Student Repository

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(1 - 16 of 16)
Flows of colonial power: water as environmental governmentality in nineteenth-century French Algeria
Flows of colonial power: water as environmental governmentality in nineteenth-century French Algeria
Flows of colonial power: water as environmental governmentality in nineteenth-century French Algeria
Flows of colonial power: water as environmental governmentality in nineteenth-century French Algeria
Flows of colonial power: water as environmental governmentality in nineteenth-century French Algeria
The Oil of the 21st Century
Who Holds the Shovel? Digging into Adaptive Capacities inside Sanctioned Iran
Flowing free? Roman slaves’ access to water as a source for the study of marginalisation
Becoming Acalote: The Performance That Transformed a Road Into a Waterway
The Organized Hypocrisy of the World Bank
The UV photostability of glycine and its reactivity within a cryogenic water matrix
It is all about the context: Een antropologische blik op privatisering en commodificatie van drinkwater
Central Asia's missing war: Natural resources as a mechanism for peace and armed conflict
De perceptie van goud en water bij mijnwerkers in Bolgatanga (Noord-Ghana)