Leiden University Student Repository

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"I Don’t Want You to Panic, I Want You to Think”: An Anthropological Investigation of Climate Change Denial and Concern among European Youth on Social Media
My Life, My Story
Ventral striatal prediction error and reward expectancy during a monetary reward rask in youth with ADHD versus typically developing youth
“My phone is like my office”: Youth, refugees and digital livelihoods in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Algerian Youth and the Contestation over Sound on TikTok
"From “Get Money” to “Corea, Ura” The Role of Korean Hip-Hop Music in the Political Participation of the Youth"
Millennials and politics.What is the connection between new social movements and youth’s political engagement?
Exploring Role Models in Disability Advocacy: the Case of the Young Voices Programme in Zambia
Politieke disaffectie en het ontstaan van niet geinstitutionaliseerde politieke participatie onder Mexicaanse jongeren: De #YoSoy132 beweging
History Matters: Saudi Arabia's State-Business Relationship and its Influence on Youth Unemployment
‘Enough is enough’ - The charismatic revolution of a Senegalese hip hop movement
PRYCA and its contribution to school dropouts and quality of life of youth in Puerto Rico
"1965" in Indonesia today. The politics of memory in post-Suharto Indonesia and the perceptions of the 1965-66 past among high school students in Yogyakarta in 2016
Sufism in South Asia: A study on the appeal and revival of Sufi Music among Modern Indian Youth
Are the South Sudanese youth the hope of the nations' future?
Digital technologies: the link between youth and cultural heritage?
Looking for Happiness. Turning to Small Communities in Precarious Japan.