Expectations of pain significantly influence individuals’ pain experiences and contribute to the nocebo effect, which is defined as unfavourable outcomes resulting from negative expectations about...Show moreExpectations of pain significantly influence individuals’ pain experiences and contribute to the nocebo effect, which is defined as unfavourable outcomes resulting from negative expectations about treatment beyond any pharmacological effects. When individuals inaccurately predict pain levels, a mismatch occurs, leading to either under or overpredictions of the pain experience. These mismatches can affect pain perception and emotional states, potentially impacting treatment outcomes. The literature presents mixed findings on how these expectancy mismatches shape pain perception. Thus, our first research question aimed to replicate the nocebo effect by assessing whether higher negative expectations induce greater experienced pain. Secondly, we investigated whether a (mis)match in pain expectancy and actual pain experience predicts the nocebo effect. Healthy participants (n = 94) were randomly assigned to either a control (n = 47) or an active group (n = 47). The latter received a nocebo manipulation induced by negative verbal suggestion and conditioning through electrical pain stimulation, which produces negative expectations of pain and can induce higher pain experiences. Participants’ pain expectations of upcoming pain stimulation and actual pain experiences were measured on a numerical rating scale. RM ANOVAs and linear regression were utilised to investigate our primary and secondary research question, respectively. Our results revealed a statistically significant nocebo effect induction to electrical pain stimulation. Additionally, the active group showed overpredictions of their pain experience, while there was no significant relationship between expectancy mismatch and nocebo responses, suggesting that mismatch alone may not be sufficient to explain nocebo responses. Prior experiences of pain might predict the nocebo effect better, as they can contribute to the formation of negative expectations, increasing susceptibility to nocebo responses. In conclusion, while we replicated the nocebo effect through verbal suggestion and conditioning, expectancy mismatch alone did not predict nocebo responses. Future studies should investigate a potential non-linear relationship for the mismatch of pain expectations and pain experiences on nocebo responses and how under- and overpredictions relate to nocebo responses separately.Show less
Het doel van dit experimentele scriptie onderzoek was om het effect van de verwachtings-optimalisatie tool op de verwachte omgang met pijn tijdens de bevalling te onderzoeken. Met de verwachtings...Show moreHet doel van dit experimentele scriptie onderzoek was om het effect van de verwachtings-optimalisatie tool op de verwachte omgang met pijn tijdens de bevalling te onderzoeken. Met de verwachtings-optimalisatie tool vormen vrouwen positieve, maar realistische verwachtingen. Verwachtingen zijn belangrijk, aangezien het voldoen aan eerdere verwachtingen een positieve ervaring van de bevalling creëert. Dit is essentieel omdat een negatieve bevallingservaring één van de grootste uitdagingen in de zorg is. Het overkoepelende pilotonderzoek wil de algemene bevallingservaringen verbeteren door met verwachtingen de effectiviteit van pijnbehandelingen te vergroten. Voor een positieve bevallingservaring is effectief omgaan met pijn cruciaal. In dit scriptie onderzoek waren er twee hypotheses, namelijk dat respondenten na het doorlopen van de tool een betere verwachte omgang met pijn verwachten en dat dit effect versterkt werd door een hoge zelfeffectiviteit. De steekproef (N = 32) bestond uit vrouwen met zwangerschapsplannen binnen vijf jaar, willekeurig verdeeld over een interventie- (n = 16) en een controlegroep (n = 16). De interventiegroep voltooide de tool, terwijl de controlegroep enkel het geboorteplan invulde in Qualitrics. Data-analyse werd uitgevoerd middels een onafhankelijke t-toets en Hayes’ PROCESS-macro. De resultaten toonden geen significant effect van de tool op de verwachte omgang met pijn (d = 0,40 ), noch een interactie-effect in de moderatieanalyse (b = - 0,07 ). Ondanks dat de hypothesen niet werden bevestigd, vormt dit onderzoek een eerste stap in de ontwikkeling van interventies gericht op het cultiveren van positieve, realistische verwachtingen om de bevallingservaring te verbeteren en in het begrijpen wat voor rol zelfeffectiviteit speelt.Show less
Monochorionic (MC) twins share a placenta, which leads to a heightened risk of developing medical complications. This study explored the impact of adverse intrauterine circumstances on the...Show moreMonochorionic (MC) twins share a placenta, which leads to a heightened risk of developing medical complications. This study explored the impact of adverse intrauterine circumstances on the temperament development of 6-month-old infants, focused on Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS), Twin Anemia-Polycythemia Sequence (TAPS), and selective Fetal Growth Restriction (sFGR). The investigation measured temperament in terms of positive and negative affectivity. It was hypothesized that MC twins affected by TAPS and sFGR would display differential affectivity, with donors and smaller twins exhibiting lower positive affectivity and higher negative affectivity compared to their co-twins. For TTTS, no significant long-term temperamental differences between twins were anticipated. Additionally, it was expected that MC twins from uncomplicated pregnancies would show higher positive affectivity and lower negative affectivity compared to those with medical complications. Conducted as part of the TwinLIFE study, this research examined 103 MC twin pairs, a group naturally controlling for genetic and environmental confounders, thereby exploring the effects of these specific prenatal circumstances. The Infant Behavior Questionnaire-Revised Very Short Form (IBQ-R-VSF) was administered to assess temperament for each individual twin at 6 months of age. Results indicated no significant within-pair differences in temperamental development among medically complicated twins, as expected for TTTS, but contrary to expectations regarding TAPS and sFGR. These results indicate a sense of relief for parents with twins from complicated pregnancies, as they suggest no need for additional intervention to promote healthy development. Contrary to expectations, comparisons between twins from uncomplicated and complicated pregnancies revealed lower positive affectivity in the uncomplicated group. These findings could be explained by a potential influence of parental focus on positive reinforcement in children with complications in the context of the child's survival and well-being. These results highlight that intrauterine circumstances do not necessarily cause any substantial differences but suggest a complex interplay between parental interactions and temperamental expression, warranting further investigation into the long-term outcomes and support programs.Show less
Extinction learning is a pivotal phenomenon in which an individual’s fear response gradually diminishes after the associated stimulus no longer predicts the expected negative outcome. This...Show moreExtinction learning is a pivotal phenomenon in which an individual’s fear response gradually diminishes after the associated stimulus no longer predicts the expected negative outcome. This phenomenon can be examined by using the fear conditioning paradigm. The procedure of extinction learning is considered the experimental equivalent of exposure therapy. While exposure therapy is shown to be an effective approach for treating anxiety disorders, it is not effective for everyone.Therefore, novel interventions are needed to enhance the impact of exposure therapy. Two key factors potentially influencing extinction learning are social learning and early life stress (ELS). Past research has shown a positive effect of social learning on extinction learning in adults and indicated an association between ELS and extinction learning in rats, rodents, and humans. However, extinction learning is diminished in adolescence, a crucial period in which there is an increase in the prevalence of anxiety disorders. Little is known about the reason behind this reduction. A possible cause for diminished extinction learning is ELS, and a potential solution could be social learning. Therefore, research on the effect of social learning and ELS on extinction learning is needed for adolescents specifically. This research aimed to identify the relationship between (mild) ELS and social extinction learning in adolescents. To address this issue, typically developed participants (N = 35) aged between 9 and 16 performed a fear conditioning task in an MRI scanner. Furthermore, participants and parents had to fill out several questionnaires on early life events. Participants were divided into a social and non-social condition. Our findings showed that fear acquisition was successful. However, fear extinction was not successful. Besides, no difference was found in extinction learning in a social and non-social condition of adolescents. Also, no association was found between (mild) ELS and extinction learning in adolescents. No evidence was found for the effect of social learning or (mild) ELS on extinction learning in adolescents. This study shows that extinguishing fear in adolescents is challenging, as previous research has found. Future research with a larger research sample and a refined methodology is necessary to draw more robust conclusions. Nonetheless, this type of research is promising for improving therapy and could impact the prevention and intervention of anxiety disorders.Show less
Functioneren is een belangrijk concept in de zorg, maar dit wordt nog niet uitgevraagd als single item vraag in gezondheidsmonitors, zoals dat bij ervaren gezondheid gebeurt. De verwachte stijgende...Show moreFunctioneren is een belangrijk concept in de zorg, maar dit wordt nog niet uitgevraagd als single item vraag in gezondheidsmonitors, zoals dat bij ervaren gezondheid gebeurt. De verwachte stijgende prevalentie van ouderdomsziektes door vergrijzing levert een behoefte aan een oplossing voor de hoge werkdruk bij zorgpersoneel en single item vragen verminderen werklast bij zorgpersoneel en patiënt. Het doel van dit onderzoek was om te onderzoeken of ervaren functioneren en ervaren gezondheid twee verschillende constructen zijn. De hypothese was dat dit twee verschillende constructen zouden zijn. Deze zouden naast elkaar uitgevraagd kunnen worden in gezondheidsmonitors en gezondheidsevaluatielijsten in de zorg om aanvullende informatie te geven over kwaliteit van leven en welzijn van een patiënt. Uit verschillende bestaande gezondheidsmonitors is een vragenlijst samengesteld. Hieraan zijn items over demografische kenmerken en de ervaren gezondheid en zelf ontworpen ervaren functioneren vraag toegevoegd. De vragenlijst bestond uit 47 vragen en is verspreid via sociale media. De dataset bestond uit 281 respondenten, waarvan 42,3 % man, 55,9% vrouw en 1,1% non-binair. 65,5% van de respondenten had geen ervaring met een langdurige ziekte, 22,8 % met één langdurige ziekte en 11,7% met twee of meer langdurige ziekten. De correlaties tussen drie van vijf items van de EQ-5D5L (mobiliteit, pijn/ongemak en angst/somberheid) en ervaren functioneren waren significant verschillend met de correlaties tussen de items en de ervaren gezondheid vraag. Ook de EQ-VAS correleerde significant verschillend. Hoewel ervaren functioneren en ervaren gezondheid niet significant verschillend correleerden op elk item van de EQ-5D5L, reageerden ze niet identiek. Dit kan een aanwijzing zijn dat ervaren functioneren en ervaren gezondheid twee verschillende constructen zijn. Er is meer onderzoek nodig naar de domeinen waarop ervaren functioneren en ervaren gezondheid wel dan niet verschillen.Show less
Steeds meer jongvolwassenen hebben last van depressieve en/of burn-out klachten en de gevolgen hiervan. Uit de literatuur blijkt dat fysieke activiteit helpt bij het verlichten van deze klachten....Show moreSteeds meer jongvolwassenen hebben last van depressieve en/of burn-out klachten en de gevolgen hiervan. Uit de literatuur blijkt dat fysieke activiteit helpt bij het verlichten van deze klachten. Dit geldt echter vooral voor milde tot matige klachten. Ook wijzen meerdere onderzoeken erop dat mentale klachten fysieke klachten veroorzaken. In dit cross-sectioneel onderzoek wordt gekeken of het hebben van (matig) ernstige depressieve en/of burn-out klachten leidt tot minder intensief kunnen deelnemen aan fysieke activiteit. Dit is onderzocht door aan jongvolwassenen tussen de 18-30 jaar een vragenlijst voor te leggen over hun deelname aan fysieke activiteit in de vorm van krachttraining of CrossFit en hun depressieve en burn-out klachten te meten (N = 80). Fysieke activiteit werd gemeten met de MSEQ-short form vragenlijst, depressieve klachten met de PHQ-9 en burn-out klachten met de OLBI. Uit dit onderzoek is een significante relatie gebleken tussen depressieve klachten en een vermindering in fysieke activiteit in minuten per week bij het biologisch geslacht man. Dit betekent dat mannen met (matig) ernstige depressieve klachten gemiddeld 138 minuten per week korter deelnemen aan fysieke activiteit dan mannen zonder (matig) ernstige depressieve klachten. Dit significant verband werd niet gevonden bij het biologisch geslacht vrouw. Vanwege gebrek aan voldoende data kunnen geen uitspraken gedaan worden voor burn-out klachten en het gecombineerd effect van depressieve en burn-out klachten. Voor vervolgonderzoek zou er gekeken kunnen worden naar de eventuele aanwezigheid van fysieke klachten veroorzaakt door mentale klachten. Dit kan door middel van experimenteel onderzoek te verrichten waarbij cardiovasculaire vermoeidheid gemeten wordt.Show less
This study investigates the relationship between rejection sensitivity and social feedback learning rate. Rejection sensitivity is an aspect of social anxiety disorder which is especially prevalent...Show moreThis study investigates the relationship between rejection sensitivity and social feedback learning rate. Rejection sensitivity is an aspect of social anxiety disorder which is especially prevalent in adolescents. SAD has a significant relationship with social feedback learning rate and this study aims to go a step further and research whether rejection sensitivity is a leading factor in this relationship. Participants fill in the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale as well as the Children’s Rejection Sensitivity Questionnaire. Afterwards they will do a speech task which includes a public speaking section and is judged by confederate judges who will rate them on their performance. The participants rate themselves before and after the feedback from the judges. The difference between individual’s rating before and after the feedback will be measured and this will form the basis of our data for analysis. During the analysis a correlational relationship will be analyzed between rejection sensitivity, its sub measures and social feedback learning rate. The hypothesis of the study is that individuals with higher rejection sensitivity score will have higher negative social feedback learning rates. Results show no significant relationship between the variables.Show less
A collection of hardstone/basalt artefacts from the celt-making industry was gathered from excavations at the Postclassic pre-Columbian sites of La Tigüilotada and Gualorita on El Tigre Island in...Show moreA collection of hardstone/basalt artefacts from the celt-making industry was gathered from excavations at the Postclassic pre-Columbian sites of La Tigüilotada and Gualorita on El Tigre Island in the Gulf of Fonseca. In an attempt to understand the poorly researched basalt industry in the pre-historic Gulf of Fonseca, the artefacts were analysed to determine if La Tigüilotada and Gualorita procured basalt from singular or multiple sources. A literature review was conducted to understand the use, procurement, circulation, and exchange of basalt tools and raw materials throughout Mesoamerica; it was determined that all sites used advanced trade routes to acquire basalt from multiple local and non-local sources. From the Early Formative period to the Historic period, substantial basalt industries with complex exchange networks existed throughout Mesoamerica. All objects (n=115) were inventoried, classified, and macroscopically examined for variations in their matrix; potential rock species were identified in the macroscopic analysis with the intent to be verified by the XRF results. In the classification chapter, the artefacts were classified into 7 categories of artefact types and 11 visually distinct matrices. This project aimed to determine the validity of using XRF to analyse basalts and distinguish different provenances. One object from each context (n=44) was tested using pXRF analysis to gather the bulk compositions of the artefacts in the assemblage; the XRF results were made into a database. The XRF results were interpreted by implementing the data into bivariate plots to examine potential provenance clusters. Elements Mg, Al, Si, Ti, Fe, K, Ca, Sr, Y, and Zr were plotted against each other to identify group variations. The XRF analysis could not accurately record light elements Mg, Al, and Si and was consequently unable to verify the species determinations from the macroscopic analysis. However, XRF analysis successfully established three main provenances in addition to 9 outliers that were also interpreted as unique provenances. The majority of the assemblage consisted of a fine-grained blue-grey stone; the three main provenance groups and two outliers were completely comprised of this matrix type, suggesting five unique provenances for this type of material. All completed celts were foreign to El Tigre; one provenance group was comprised solely of completed celts. The other two groups exhibited no completed celts but were made of many celt production implements with similar chemical compositions; these materials were noted to likely be local to El Tigre. La Tigüilotada was determined to be a preform production site and part of a wider network of basalt exchange which should now be studied. Gualorita’s basalt industry is connected to La Tigüilotada but remains uninterpreted. This project offers an opportunity for future studies to identify the species of rock and the true sources of these artefacts.Show less
Social anxiety can have a huge impact on adolescents’ lives, including emotional, social, and educational problems. The relationships between social anxiety, audience perception, and expressiveness...Show moreSocial anxiety can have a huge impact on adolescents’ lives, including emotional, social, and educational problems. The relationships between social anxiety, audience perception, and expressiveness are considered to play a role in the development of those problems, since they cause intense distress or even avoidance of social or performance situations. Effective treatment options are therefore important to prevent further problems. This study examined the relationship between social anxiety, audience perception, and expressiveness, and the feasibility of blended care. To examine this, 43 participants followed a 12 week blended care intervention consisting of psychoeducation, social skills training, cognitive restructuring techniques, exposure tasks, assertiveness training, and homework assignments. In addition, the Social Anxiety Scale for Adolescents, the Audience Perception Questionnaire, and the Speech Performance Observation Scale for Youth were administered before and after treatment. A mediation analysis was done to study whether audience perception mediated the relationship between social anxiety and expressiveness. To test whether blended care was feasible in reducing symptoms of social anxiety, and increase audience perception and expressiveness, multiple paired samples t-tests were performed. No significant relationships were found between social anxiety and audience perception (β = -.054, p = .40), between social anxiety and expressiveness (β = .005, p =.37), and between audience perception and expressiveness (β = -.009, p =.75). Logically, the whole mediation model was also not significant (β = .005, p =.45). Results from the paired samples t-tests showed significant differences for social anxiety (t(29) = 2.66, p = .013), lowering the mean scores from 56.8 to 50.6, and audience perception (t(28) = -4.00, p < .001), increasing the mean scores from -3.2 to -0,8. No significant differences were found for expressiveness (t(13) = .10, p = .92). The results show no relationships between social anxiety, audience perception, and expressiveness, which could be explained by the unfamiliarity of the concept of expressiveness, a different mediator that has influence on these variables, having a small sample size, or participants’ level of education. Further research is needed on both, to gain more insight in relationships affecting social anxiety in adolescents. The results did show the feasibility of blended care in reducing social anxiety and increasing audience perception. Using blended care is encouraged to provide more and better care to adolescents.Show less
Background: Cognitive reappraisal ability (CRA) is an adaptive emotion regulation strategy that involves altering the meaning of emotional stimuli to reduce overtly expressed emotional responses....Show moreBackground: Cognitive reappraisal ability (CRA) is an adaptive emotion regulation strategy that involves altering the meaning of emotional stimuli to reduce overtly expressed emotional responses. This study explored whether CRA can be predicted by the electroencephalography (EEG) theta/beta ratio (TBR), a biomarker that typically reflects attentional and inhibitory control. It was further investigated if trait anxiety can predict CRA and moderate the association between TBR and CRA. Methods: EEG, ECG and self-report data were collected in a sample of 30 healthy students.The trait anxiety subscale of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI-t) was used to assess trait anxiety. A resting-state EEG recording was taken to assess TBR. Using an experimental emotion induction task, participants were exposed to threatening pictures while heart rate measurements were taken to provide an index for CRA (reduction in fear bradycardia). Results: A significant negative correlation between TBR and CRA indicated that individuals with higher TBR showed less effective cognitive reappraisal. Unexpectedly, trait anxiety neither predicted CRA nor moderated the association between TBR and CRA. Discussion: The finding that TBR was negatively associated with CRA aligns with previous research and supports the idea that TBR reflects prefrontal cortical control over subcortical emotional processes. Theta/beta neurofeedback training should be explored as an intervention for emotion dysregulation. Future research should test the association between trait anxiety and CRA in a clinically anxious sample, incorporating additional measures of CRA and self-relevant emotional stimuli.Show less
Impairments in social cognition are common in dementia. However, tests to measure differences in social cognition are underrepresented in neuropsychological diagnosis of dementia. Measures of...Show moreImpairments in social cognition are common in dementia. However, tests to measure differences in social cognition are underrepresented in neuropsychological diagnosis of dementia. Measures of social cognition could aid the earlier diagnosis and differential diagnosis between AD and FTD. The Hinting Task - Dutch version (Hinting Task - NL) measures the ability to infer the true intent of indirect speech as an indicator of Theory of Mind ability, one aspect of social cognition. This study examined the Hinting Task - NL on its ability to differentiate between control participants (n = 99) and patients with dementia (Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), n = 26; Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) (behavioral variant (bv-FTD), n = 21; and primary progressive aphasia (PPA), n = 21)). Between-group differences on the Hinting Task - NL were examined and associations with demographic variables and neuropsychological tests were explored. The study also includes an exploratory analysis where the Hinting Task - NL was compared to the emotion recognition task (ERT), another measure of social cognition, on their ability to discriminate between control participants and patients with dementia. Results showed that the Hinting Task - NL discriminated well between control participants and patients with dementia (p < 0.001), but not between patients with AD and patients with FTD (p = 0.252). Performance on the Hinting Task - NL did not differ between patients with bv-FTD and PPA (p = 0.550). The Hinting Task - NL was found to have similar sensitivity and specificity as the ERT in discriminating between control participants and patients with dementia. To conclude, the Hinting Task - NL is a valid test and can be used in neuropsychological diagnosis of dementia, but not to discriminate between two common subtypes of dementia.Show less