Leiden University Student Repository

Search results

(41 - 48 of 48)


WORKERS AND STATE POWER IN POST-REVOLUTIONARY IRAN. Discursive strategies and factional conflicts for labor control (1979 - 1989)
'Pinkwashing': The Politics of LGBTQ Rights in Israel/Palestine
Édouard Herriot: An Intellectual, Republican, and Radical-Socialist Between France and Turkey (1908-1938)
Suez's Culture of Resistance, its causes and its future.
Gender and Feminism in post-2009 Iran - Tracing a Pictorial Discourse in Mana Neyestani’s Cartoons
Egyptian Copts and Mubarak’s State: Was the Regime Seen as a Protector or an Enemy?
'The Hand of the English' - The involvement of the BBC in Anglo-Iranian relations between 1970-1977
