Robben Island has received various comments by ICOMOS and UNESCO since its opening as a museum. Most of these issues are relating to the natural environment of the island and only four out of...Show moreRobben Island has received various comments by ICOMOS and UNESCO since its opening as a museum. Most of these issues are relating to the natural environment of the island and only four out of seventeen issues are relating to the cultural heritage. In this thesis there is a focus on one of the issues raised concerning the cultural heritage of island; the site interpretation issue. The main question that will be answered is Should the current state of presentation possibly be improved, and if so, how and why ( to suit what and whom)? Therefore it is important to make an analysis of the rich history of the island as well as to look at what the visitors’ perceptions of the island are. A questionnaire was designed and a survey was conducted in February 2011 at the Waterfront in Cape Town amongst tourists visiting the island. Comparing the results from this survey with previous research, it can be concluded that the island’s visitors were and still are quite happy with the presentation on the island. They are not so much concerned with what is presented but more with how this is presented, as visitors ask for more free time and other ways of exploring the island. However when looking at the history and current situation in South Africa, it can be argued that what is presented is very important too. Currently the focus of the presentation is mainly on the political prison history of the island, but a lot more relevant things from the island’s history can be told. Robben Island plays an important role in the history of several groups in the contemporary South African society. In the context of nation building it would therefore be beneficial to include other narratives in the island’s presentation, in order to make the island a symbol of the shared heritage of the whole nation and not just one part of it. Both the way how things are presented and what is presented on the island should be improved in the future. Already plans have been made for (guided) walking tours on the island, which would touch upon the diverse history of the island as well as both the natural and cultural heritage. In order to come to a solution that is beneficial to all, all the stakeholders (both on and off the island) should be consulted.Show less
In the summer of 2010, the Faculty of Archaeology of Leiden University conducted an excavation at Slabroekse Heide, in the south of the Netherlands. Earlier excavations in 1923 and 2005 had...Show moreIn the summer of 2010, the Faculty of Archaeology of Leiden University conducted an excavation at Slabroekse Heide, in the south of the Netherlands. Earlier excavations in 1923 and 2005 had uncovered burial mounds dating to the bronze age, the iron age and the Roman period. During the 2010 excavations several „new‟ burial mounds were discovered. Despite the poor preservation, due to levelling and ploughing of the ground in modern times, some cremation graves and an inhumation grave were found. The so-called „Princess grave‟ is the rich inhumation grave of a woman who probably played an important role in the affairs of her community. The oldest elements of the grave field are burial mounds dating back to the middle or late bronze age. In the early iron age, an urnfield was constructed around the mounds, consisting of a large number of smaller mounds. Their positioning indicates a positive appreciation of the earlier graves. The urnfield is divided in two parts. The eastern part contains smaller mounds with little space between them; the western part has larger, more dispersed mounds. The meaning or function of this division is not clear. Two rows of poles were uncovered in 2005 and 2010. The longest of these may be related to this division; it does not extend, however, across even half the grave field. A more plausible explanation is that the rows were constructed in relationship to individual grave monuments, perhaps connecting them to lower-lying ritual wet places. The prehistoric use of the grave field ends with the construction of at least two grave monuments in the middle iron age. In the Roman period the grave field was used once more, but only ten graves from this period have been found. Again there seems to be a positive appreciation of the older monuments. In this period the site appears to have been used only for a short time, and by a small amount of people. No traces of habitation have been found in the vicinity from either the Roman period or the iron age. But it is likely that the people who buried their dead at Slabroekse Heide, lived on the flanks of the valley of the nearby stream known as Kraaienloop. In the fourteenth or fifteenth century, a long ditch was dug through the prehistoric gravefield which served to protect or defend the land. Apart from that, the burial mounds survived more or less intact until the early 1900‟s when the grave field was levelled and developed as farmland. In 2011, several grave monuments have been reconstructed based on the results of the 2010 excavation. Thus, the grave field is now visible in the landscape once more.Show less
In this thesis the cultural situation in the Netherlands during the middle Neolithic and the late Neolithic-A is described. The Vlaardingen culture (3400-2500 BC) and the Funnel beaker culture (TRB...Show moreIn this thesis the cultural situation in the Netherlands during the middle Neolithic and the late Neolithic-A is described. The Vlaardingen culture (3400-2500 BC) and the Funnel beaker culture (TRB) co-existed during the middle Neolithic. Several aspects of both cultures are described. These aspects contribute to the characterization of both cultures. On the other hand, a comparison between these aspects allow similarities and differences between both cultures to be determined. Based on the pottery and the occupied environment, the Vlaardingen culture and the TRB seem clearly distinguishable from one another. The aim of this thesis is to determine in what way both cultures are distinct from each other, but even more important is to nuance this division. Several finds that are the result of contacts between the Vlaardingen culture and the TRB are discussed. Additionally, certain objects were present in both cultures and there is evidence for the existence of an exchange network which incorporated both cultures. It appeared the cultures remained “pure” for over 500 years. Still, sporadic contacts took place between the people of both cultures. These were however not so intensive that acculturation occurred. The second and shorter part of this thesis deals with the Single Grave culture (2900-2500 BC). When the TRB ceases to exist, the SGC succeeds it. The Vlaardingen culture endures in the west (3400-2500 BC). It is examined whether the Vlaardingen culture and the SGC were just as strictly divided over the landscape as the TRB from the Vlaardingen culture. Characteristics of the SGC have been briefly discussed and the distribution of the culture throughout the Netherlands has been described. It is swiftly apparent that the SGC maintained a less strict preference for environment than the TRB. The SGC seems to have spread into the wetlands of the west as well as the uplands in the west. However the Vlaardingen culture persists and the presence of the SGC within Vlaardingen settlements is remains limited. Finally, it turns out that the current chronology is not accurate enough to make clear statements on the distribution pattern of the SGC throughout the Netherlands.Show less
The goal of this thesis is to try and obtain raw quantifiable data on the effects of various pH levels on the flint tools and traces of use on those tools in order to give recommendations on...Show moreThe goal of this thesis is to try and obtain raw quantifiable data on the effects of various pH levels on the flint tools and traces of use on those tools in order to give recommendations on cleaning procedures. In order to do this tools have been experimentally used and subsequently cleaned for use-wear analysis. The changes to the traces of use were observed through the use of a metallographic microscope. In order to make accurate claims on the effects of these cleaning procedures on the traces of use, it was important to determine the exact nature of polish. An attempt has been made to try and answer this by making use of an Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) and image the microscopic surface of the flint tools. Sadly the experimental set-up proved to be insufficient to answer this question. As such approximate conclusions and recommendations had to be given for each theory on the formation of polish.Show less
De afgelopen jaren is door Rijkswaterstaat in Son en Breugel, bij het industrieterrein Ekkersrijt een verkeersknooppunt aangelegd. Dit knooppunt moet de doorstroming van het verkeer op de snelwegen...Show moreDe afgelopen jaren is door Rijkswaterstaat in Son en Breugel, bij het industrieterrein Ekkersrijt een verkeersknooppunt aangelegd. Dit knooppunt moet de doorstroming van het verkeer op de snelwegen A58 (naar Tilburg-Breda) en A50 (naar Veghel-Oss-Nijmegen) verbeteren. Dat er sporen uit het verleden te vinden waren op het braakliggende terrein was bekend geworden dankzij vondsten, die onder andere vrijetijd-archeoloog R. (Geit) Emmery uit Son en Breugel had verzameld. Daarnaast was door het archeologisch onderzoeksbureau BAAC een archeologisch booronderzoek uitgevoerd.1 De oppervlaktevondsten en de boringen maakten aannemelijk dat de bodem nog oorspronkelijk en ongeroerd was, en dat archeologische sporen in de bodem nog in takt zouden zijn. Het grootschalige grondverzet dat voor de aanleg van het knooppunt noodzakelijk is, zou de bodem verstoren en daarmee de oudheidkundige sporen uitwissen. De éénmalige gelegenheid om de archeologische informatie veilig te stellen werd door provinciaal archeoloog dr. M. Meffert aanbevolen. Voor de uitvoering van het project benaderden de gemeente Son en Breugel en Rijkswaterstaat het Archeologisch Centrum Eindhoven en Helmond. De opgravingen vonden plaats in het voorjaar van 2006, het najaar van 2007 en de eerste helft van 2008. Daarbij is de volgorde van de werkzaamheden nauwkeurig afgestemd met Rijkswaterstaat en de aannemerscombinatie Mourik-Besix zodat de aanleg van het verkeersknooppunt geen vertraging zou oplopen. Gaandeweg bleek dat in de bodem de resten van nederzettingen uit de midden- en late bronstijd en vroege ijzertijd bewaard waren gebleven. Nog niet eerder werd zo’n groot aantal huizen en erven uit deze periode uit de prehistorie opgegraven in Zuid Nederland en België. Daarmee krijgt het archeologisch onderzoek in Ekkersrijt een bijzondere plaats in het nederzettingsonderzoek naar de bronstijd en ijzertijd in Zuid-Nederland. Deze synthese is een samenvatting en interpretatie van de belangrijkste resultaten. Eerst wordt in het kort ingegaan op de landschappelijke en geologische context van het gebied (hoofdstuk 2), vervolgens op de historische achtergronden (hoofdstuk 3) en eerdere archeologische waarnemingen in de omgeving van het onderzoeksgebied (hoofdstuk 4). Daarna volgt een beschrijving van de belangrijkste onderzoeksvragen en methoden (hoofdstuk 5). De resultaten van de opgraving zijn verdeeld over de aangetroffen structuren (hoofdstuk 6), vondsten (hoofdstuk 7) en ecologische resten (hoofdstuk 8) Tenslotte wordt de verkregen informatie in een aantal conclusies samengevat (hoofdstuk 9).Show less
Het doel van dit onderzoek was meer zicht te krijgen op de beleving van pleegkinderen in Nederland in een pleegzorgplaatsing bij de grootouder en hoe deze kinderen functioneren. In een...Show moreHet doel van dit onderzoek was meer zicht te krijgen op de beleving van pleegkinderen in Nederland in een pleegzorgplaatsing bij de grootouder en hoe deze kinderen functioneren. In een halfgestructureerd interview werden 16 pleegkinderen geïnterviewd. Concluderend kan gezegd worden dat alle pleegkinderen het erg waarderen dat zij in een pleegzorgplaatsing bij hun grootouder kunnen verblijven. De kinderen waarderen de zorg, liefde en aandacht die zij van hun grootouder krijgen. Zij geven aan dat zij zich door hun grootouder vaak meer geliefd voelen dan door hun ouder. De familieband met de grootouder geeft de kinderen vertrouwen op de juiste zorg. De kinderen voelen zich veilig in de pleegzorgplaatsing bij de grootouder. De levensomstandigheden die de grootouder weet te creëren geeft hen stabiliteit in hun leven. Contact met de ouder is voor pleegkinderen een belangrijk aanvulling op de plaatsing. Hoewel de kinderen zich verbonden voelen met hun ouder is de wens tot contact niet gelijk aan de wens tot terugplaatsing. Over het algemeen geven de kinderen aan dat zij in de toekomst graag bij hun grootouder willen blijven. Naast genoemde factoren die protectief werken voor het kind, zijn er ook factoren die een risico kunnen vormen voor deze groep kinderen. In de relatie met de grootouder ervaren de kinderen een generatieverschil. Zij merken dat de opvoedtaak niet meer helemaal past bij de gezondheid en leeftijd van hun grootouder en dat zij hierdoor minder begeleiding kunnen geven. De kinderen geven aan dat hun grootouder strenger is dan de ouder van leeftijdsgenoten en dat zij niet altijd weten hoe zij met onenigheden met hun grootouder om kunnen gaan. In de relatie met de ouder ervaren pleegkinderen gevoelens van verlies, afwijzing en teleurstelling als gevolg van ervaringen uit het verleden, de wens tot meer contact en door gemis van de ouder- kindrelatie. Ondanks deze factoren spreken alle kinderen hoopvol en met verlangen over hun toekomst. Van pleegkinderen en grootouders zijn SDQ resultaten verkregen over het functioneren van pleegkinderen in een pleegzorgplaatsing bij de grootouder. De resultaten tonen dat pleegkinderen over het algemeen meer problemen in hun functioneren hebben in vergelijking met de Nederlandse populatie kinderen. De leeftijd van het pleegkind bij plaatsing houdt verband met de mate waarin pleegkinderen problematiek vertonen. Problemen van pleegkinderen nemen toe wanneer zij ouder zijn bij plaatsing. De resultaten van het onderzoek tonen dat een pleegzorgplaatsing bij de grootouder een overwegend positief effect heeft op de levens van pleegkinderen. Ook toont het de pleegzorgbegeleiding op welke aspecten van de plaatsing de aandacht gericht kan worden om protectieve factoren verder te versterken en risicofactoren te doen afnemen.Show less
Besides a probably important audible role the visual aspect of inscriptions shouldn’t be underestimated. In the Archaic Period the effect of visual text was explored and applied in different ways....Show moreBesides a probably important audible role the visual aspect of inscriptions shouldn’t be underestimated. In the Archaic Period the effect of visual text was explored and applied in different ways. In many cases the purpose was to be seen and maybe even more important than to be read. Public and semi-public showing off with writing is visible on dedications, law inscriptions and vases. Texts function to impress. By writing something down a certain statement is made. The importance (e.g. laws) and value of the object increase. Especially for pottery this has become art typical for the ancient Greeks.Show less
The contemporary view on the so-called secondary burials in the Early Iron Age (800 BC– 500 BC) is that it is a very common phenomenon that started in the Middle Bronze Age A. This custom has its...Show moreThe contemporary view on the so-called secondary burials in the Early Iron Age (800 BC– 500 BC) is that it is a very common phenomenon that started in the Middle Bronze Age A. This custom has its peak in the Early Iron Age. When looking at the facts this phenomenon appeared to be more nuanced than is assumed in the literature. It is a rare phenomenon, at which a distinction can be made between reuse of a contemporary barrow and re-use of an older barrow. Most secondary burials appeared to be placed in a contemporary barrow, but in the transition period from the Late Bronze Age to the Early Iron Age the re-use take place in an older, not contemporary barrow. It is argued that these different forms of re-use have a different meaning.Show less
This thesis deals with the question whether the contemporary archaeological treatment of Dutch Christian burials that date between the Christianization and the Reformation, suits the beliefs and...Show moreThis thesis deals with the question whether the contemporary archaeological treatment of Dutch Christian burials that date between the Christianization and the Reformation, suits the beliefs and practice of medieval Christians and present-day Roman Catholic beliefs. Furthermore, it was researched whether these beliefs could start to play a role in archaeological ethical practice, in case there would be any discrepancies between these beliefs and the named practice. A philosophical framework was applied in which it was argued that the interests of the dead should be taken into account in archaeological practice, because the treatment of human remains does have an effect on the deceased people to whom these remains belong. The methodology used consisted of a literature study on medieval beliefs surrounding death and burial, as well as a literature study on archaeological codes and guidelines that touch upon the treatment of human remains. Besides this part of the research, two archaeologists and one Roman Catholic priest were interviewed, resulting in qualitative data from the archaeological world and the Roman Catholic Church regarding practices and opinions on the matter. From a comparison of all of these data, it became clear that the contemporary archaeological practice is overall not directly in conflict with most medieval and contemporary Roman Catholic beliefs. However, there is room for improvement. Medieval Christian should be considered a separate stakeholder group with its own values. The interviewees from both the archaeological world and the Roman Catholic Church seem to be open for discussing the treatment of medieval human remains in archaeology. In this thesis, it has been argued that an informal approach in which the interests of medieval Christians, contemporary Christian denominations and the Dutch archaeological community play a role could result in an improved archaeological ethical practice.Show less
For this Master thesis the site Wijchen de Berendonck was analysed. The site is situated on the edge of a riverdune (donk) and near to the Wijchense Ven. The excavations took place from 1976 until...Show moreFor this Master thesis the site Wijchen de Berendonck was analysed. The site is situated on the edge of a riverdune (donk) and near to the Wijchense Ven. The excavations took place from 1976 until 1980. Because the site was excavated such a long time ago a lot of information which would be useful today is missing. There were for instance no intersection drawings available and many features were not described. This lack of information made it hard to analyse the site properly. The general subject of this thesis was the reconstruction of structures from the features and to date these structures by examining and dating the pottery from the features. The analysis of the features revealed twelve structures which consist of; five houses, five outbuildings, one larger outbuilding and one circular ditch. Due to the pottery found within the postholes it was possible to date these structures. In order to accomplish this the characterisations of the pottery were compared to other research and pottery typologies. The examination of the pottery revealed that all the structures date from the late bronze age (c. 1100-800 BC) and early iron age (c. 800-500 BC). The houses which were examined differ from other houses in the surrounding area for this time period. One of the houses is for example characterised by a three aisled house plan and a fixed distance between the central postholes. These kinds of structures are typical for the middle bronze age (c. 1800-1100 BC). Within the site only a few pottery sherds were found which could be dated to the middle bronze age (though 1,5% of the fragments). The pottery from the three aisled house and the corresponding rubbish pits only revealed late bronze age pottery. Maybe this house could be viewed as a ""transitional house"" from the large three aisled middle bronze age houses to the smaller two aisled late bronze age and early iron age houses. Also the two aisled late bronze age and early iron age houses were different from the houses usually found in this region and this time period. These house plans are bigger and three aisled, instead of two aisled. These results may indicate that the houses of Wijchen de Berendonck represent local building traditions. In the last chapter the site was compared to other sites on the riverdune, hereby focussing especially on the habitation variations through time and the relation with the landscape.Show less
This thesis aims to balance the lack of published data on flint finds from Dutch megalithic monuments, the hunebedden, that were built during the Middle Neolithic. Technological and typological...Show moreThis thesis aims to balance the lack of published data on flint finds from Dutch megalithic monuments, the hunebedden, that were built during the Middle Neolithic. Technological and typological aspects from hunebed D19, D26, G2 and G3 are described in detail, considering the entire flint assemblages, not only focussing on formal tools. Results from use wear analysis of a selection of objects from these sites are included. The representativity of these four sites is assessed by a small-scale literature survey describing the flint finds from eleven other megaliths although data other than a typological description is scarce. The results of the study of the archaeological material and the literature survey are contextualized by comparing it to several other contexts: other TRB-sites (flat graves, settlements, hoards), development of burial conventions into the Late Neolithic and a modest description of megalithic research in northern Europe. This research leads to the conclusion that the set of items that is included in a hunebed is fairly wide when compared to TRB flat graves as well as graves from later periods. Some items show traces of use from varying activities but most pieces seem to be deposited unused. Since the assemblages contain many flakes and numerous technological indicators for flint-working, flint-knapping probably took place at the megaliths. Some artefacts, like certain transverse arrowheads, were most likely not made for actual use but especially for deposition in the megalith. Polished flint axes form a separate category; they are heavily used and were in numerous cases carefully resharpened before deposition in the megalith.Show less
The chieftain’s grave of Oss, which was discovered and excavated in 1933, concerns a large Early Iron Age barrow, with the burial of a so called chief of Oss. The burial contained a rich set of...Show moreThe chieftain’s grave of Oss, which was discovered and excavated in 1933, concerns a large Early Iron Age barrow, with the burial of a so called chief of Oss. The burial contained a rich set of grave goods, of which several of them were imported from abroad. The most important of them: a bronze situlae, an iron Mindelheim sword and bronze horse bits. Early typological examination had shown that these objects were imported from the Central European Hallstatt culture. Despite the fact that the barrow and its grave goods were already published several times, the real meanings of the grave goods were actually never researched and published in great detail and larger context. This thesis discusses therefore specifically the Mindelheim sword from the chieftain’s grave of Oss. The main question of this thesis is: What was the ‘special’ purpose and meaning of the sword of the chieftain’s grave of Oss in relation to its Central European origins? The sword has a striking appearance. The iron blade is of a considerable length, has a distinct hat-shaped pommel and has gold leaf as decoration on its pommel and wooden grip. Adding to that, the sword was bent to fit in the situla. At first it was thought that the sword of Oss was a prestigious object with practical purposes as a sword for a horse riding warrior. This was thought because swords from the Mindelheim type are generally interpreted in this way. However, with the use of parallels from both regions, the Hallstatt area and the Lower Rhine area, and background information of the regional circumstances this thesis shows that it is more likely that the Mindelheim sword of Oss had a symbolic purpose. Its appearance (gold decoration etc.) already suggests that the sword must have been a valuable object, which exuded prestige and power. The (regional) context and its associations with other grave goods point also in the direction of a symbolic usage. The monumental size of the barrow, and usage of a specific set of imported grave goods as well implies the adoption of an elite ideology from the Hallstatt culture. The treatment of the sword seems to be an indigenous twist of the adopted elite ideology: the sword was bent not only to fit in the situla, but probably to be deposited in direct contact with the cremation remains. Several arguments thus imply the symbolic purpose of the sword. The chief of Oss might have wanted to send a message to the society he left behind. The sword is hereby one of the features from the chieftain’s grave of Oss that exudes the power and prestige of the man who was cremated and buried afterwards.Show less
Doel: Bestuderen of er verschillen zijn in de mate van beheersing van adaptieve vaardigheden tussen jeugdigen zonder probleemgedrag, en jeugdigen met internaliserend en/of externaliserend...Show moreDoel: Bestuderen of er verschillen zijn in de mate van beheersing van adaptieve vaardigheden tussen jeugdigen zonder probleemgedrag, en jeugdigen met internaliserend en/of externaliserend probleemgedrag. En wat hierbij de mogelijke invloed is van leeftijd en sekse. Methode: De onderzoeksgroep bestaat uit 334 jongens en 211 meisjes van 9 tot 18 jaar, uit het basisonderwijs en middelbaar (beroeps-)onderwijs. Door ouders zijn twee vragenlijsten ingevuld. Met behulp van de SEV is bepaald of er sprake is van gedragsproblematiek, en door middel van de experimentele vragenlijst AVJ is het niveau van adaptieve vaardigheden bepaald. Resultaten: Binnen deze steekproef komt internaliserend probleemgedrag het meeste voor. Gemiddeld functioneren jeugdigen zonder probleemgedrag beter dan jeugdigen met probleemgedrag. Bij comorbiditeit is de beheersing van adaptieve vaardigheden het zwakst. Het grootste tekort voor jeugdigen met externaliserend en jeugdigen met comorbide probleemgedrag is gevonden in de ‘autonomie en zelfsturing’. Voor jeugdigen met internaliserend probleemgedrag is de vaardigheid ‘omgang met leeftijdsgenoten’ het zwakst. De adaptieve vaardigheden nemen toe tot 16 jaar, meisjes functioneren structureel beter dan jongens. Conclusie: De mate van beheersing van adaptieve vaardigheden verschilt tussen jeugdigen zonder probleemgedrag, internaliserend en/of externaliserend probleemgedrag. Leeftijd en sekse spelen in beperkte mate een rol. Voor de omgang en begeleiding van de jeugdigen met gedragsproblemen is het van belang rekening te houden met de specifieke tekorten.Show less