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The Geopolitics of Outer Space: How going back to the Moon is reshaping international politics
Agenda Initiatives in Europe: A Comparative Look into on the Factors of Usage.
Connecting descriptive and substantive representation: An analysis of differential responsiveness in the environmental policy field across 21 European democracies
The Barriers to Canadian Electoral System Reform
The Party and the Person
Strategic Reactions on Migration and Integration Policies by Established Parties - a Case Study of Germany
Not As Simple As Going To the Polls: The Relationship between Race, Ethnicity, Polling Place Closures, and Voter Turnout in the United States
Migration and integration discourse in Dutch politics
Foreign interventions in civil-wars Promoting democracy or chaos?
Agenda change at the European Commission: the case of electric pulse fishing
The global environment on the agenda of the European Union: Examining a success story
Intra-party leadership elections: What are its effects on party unity?
En de voorkeurstem gaat naar...: Het effect van "stem op een vrouw" op de Tweede Kamerverkiezingen van 2017
Going for government or opting for opposition? Examining the conditions under which Dutch independent local parties join the municipal coalition
On the emergence of populist parties in contemporary Western Europe
A party cartel? The effect of party funding availability on new party entry
What explains political leaders' issue attention in live tv-interviews on current affairs programs?
