Leiden University Student Repository

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(1 - 20 of 28)


Coercion Theory and Intergenerational Justice
Demoratizing the "European migrants crisis"
Ecosystem Services and the Intrinsic Value of Nature
Motivating Future-Oriented Action. Self-regarding reasons to ensure the fate of future generations
Procreation in Extreme Poverty
Individual Responsibility for Anthropogenic Global Climate Change
Beauty or the Beast? The Otherkin and self-identification as challenge to human rights.
Territorial Rights and Democratic Secession: a Reconciliation
Verantwoordelijkheid voor Klimaatverandering
Plichten tegenover de derde wereld - De poging van Thomas Pogge om ‘rechts’ te overtuigen van globale hulpverlening
Beyond a Call of Duty
Relating to Future Generations
Considering Rawls's Political Move: A Critical Analysis of Political Liberalism and Its Critics
Een zure appel doorbijten - het recht op parasiteren in het universele basisinkomen.
Educating the next generation citizens: should we teach lessons on cosmopolitanism or patriotism?
Strong External Representation of Future Generations: Legitimate and Effective
Self-Respect & Rawlsian Justice. Towards an understanding of the nature of self-respect and its place in a theory of justice.
Sustainability: a solution to the primary goods and capabilities dilemma
The permissibility of larding argument
