Leiden University Student Repository

Search results

(1 - 20 of 83)


Anti-corruption campaigns and legitimacy: A case study of the People's Republic of China
Armoede; een obstakel voor democratie?
An assessment of the effect of partition on ethnic tension - The Case of Kosovo -
A Bad Brotherhood? Chinese Nationalism and Japan
Beyond the Power of Prayer: the Role of Religious Actors in Conflic Mediation
The Calculus of Ethnicity
Capturing the courts: Partizipation of the judiciary across European Democracies
The change in U.S. foreign policy and the resulting nuclear deal with Iran
China Rising: Assertiveness in the China Seas
The Complex Relationship between Press Freedom and Corruption
Conditionality through Vague Policy. The limited Role of the European Union in Anti-corruption Policy
Consociational democracy: what was driving Lebanon's sectarian strife between 2006 and early 2016?
The counterintuitive effects of spoiling behavior: Tracing the peace process of mali, Africa; 2013-2015
Declining party membership: A positive development?
Democratic stability in deeply divided states: The case of Vanuatu and Fiji
Dimensions of the Democratic Deficit in the European Union: The EU's Post-Lisbon Path to Democracy
Does Party Change Matter? Party Change and Electoral Recovery in the Dutch Christian Democrats, 1994-2002
