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(1 - 19 of 19)
Virtual nation building:  The (re)construction of national histories in Sid Meier’s Civilization VI.
The Pursuit of Padania
'Le péril transatlantique'
'National und kosmopolitisch zugleich': Wiener Werkstätte fashion, 1911-1932
Conrad Busken Huet
"Sian Francés, aro": Language and identity in the French provincial press, c.1918-1939.
Borderless Flanders. The impact of tourism on territorial identification processes in Dutch borderland Zeelandic Flanders, 1970-1985
Regional Poets and Poetic Regionality. Ehrenfried Stoeber and Alsatian Regional Consciousness in the Early Nineteenth Century (1814-1835)
L’Appel au soldat:  Maurice Barrès’ nationalisme rond 1900 en zijn daaruit voortkomende visie op het boulangisme
Weaponising unresolved pasts: The impact of victimhood narratives on societal reconciliation in Spain and the Basque Country in the aftermath of ETA
De krant en het Oranjegevoel: voetbal als bindmiddel van de natie
The return of the Crusades: the July Monarchy and the construction of history in the 'Salles des Croisades' at Versailles
Crisis by Isis: An Analysis of ISIS's Use of Violence for its Revolution
“Een gedeelte van mijn gedachten blijft bij Afghanistan” Perceptie van verwelkoming en sociale banden van Afghaanse migranten in Nederland, 1989-2001
Picturing Deutschböhmen: German Nationalist Tourist Material in Late Habsburg Bohemia
Propaganda Wars in Wartime Spain: Sir Samuel Hoare, the British Embassy, and the British Propaganda Campaign for "Neutral" Spain, 1940-1945
"Afwijkende Mensen." Formulating perspectives on the Dutch ULTRA scene.
Licensed to Kill: Forging the pre-modern masculine Greek hunter, 1967-1990
The Future And Pursuit Of Self Determination For Aboriginal Australians