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(1 - 8 of 8)
The evolution of the human vocal tract
Middle Palaeolithic Quina flake production at Colmont-Ponderosa, South Limburg (the Netherlands)
Early Acheulean Handaxe Shape Variation in TK Acheulean Site (~1.35 Ma), Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania
Pathology of Australopithecines (4.2-1.2 MYA)
Oker. Verkenning van het gebruik van oker in Duitsland gedurende het Aurignacien
Maastricht-Belvédère 1988, een vroege Bandkeramische vindplaats op de Caberg, Limburg
Large carnivore hunting as costly signalling. An evolutionary approach to hominid hunting behaviour in the European Palaeolithic
Bell Beaker wristguards reconsidered. A research into their functionality and possible uses