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  • (-) = Blarel, N.R.J.B.

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(1 - 20 of 40)


Personal politics: Donald Trump and the European political structure
Resiliency in asymmetric international relationships: How China and Myanmar avoided relationship breakdown
Securitizing disinformation?: Explaining the variation in responses to the spread of Russian disinformation
China and the South China Sea dispute
Small states, big influence?: Understanding Dutch policy in the European Defence Agency
First cracks in the relation: A research in domestic and international factors in Morocco’s foreign policy
U.S. foreign policy towards Israel in the 1956 Suez crisis and the 1973 Yom Kippur war: A comparison
Promoting rights abroad: Prioritizing SRHR in Dutch development coorperation
In the name of war: Framing decisions in decolonization conflicts
The European Union passenger name record system as an exceptional measure
The European Union and funding of development aid for the eastern partnership
Small states under pressure: Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia’s strategies vis-à-vis Russia
The recognition of Kosovo: A political affair
Stability in a failing policy: An assessment of the war on drugs
Swedish balancing and the lack thereof: The foreign policy impact of the national role conception of neutrality
