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(1 - 19 of 19)
ICTY's verdicts and inter-state relations: an overlooked relationship
The impact of rising populist parties on mainstream parties of the European parliament in the area of migration
Imposing sanctions in the midst of fighting: a good idea? Examining the effect of EU sanctions on conflict intensity
The international-domestic interface of knowledge utilization: the mixed experience of sin taxes in Colombia
International Regime Complexes in Crisis: State-centric Preconditions for the Institution of Regime Complex Hierarchie
Liberals in illiberalism: Civil society survival in hybrid democratic regimes
Ready or not: The lack of government and opposition mediation readiness in mediations for the Syrian conflict
Securitisation theory and discrepancy in compliance with the Refugee Relocation Scheme
Sports Mega-Events: how emerging states are using them to attempt to augment international standing
What explains Russia's increased usage of their veto in the United Nations Security Council