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(1 - 16 of 16)
Neoliberal Influence on the Trajectory of Resource-Abundant Countries
Gender in International Development
Is there a golden sky at the end of a storm? The IOC and FIFA reform process
Discourse to discourse to action: Fridays for Future’s influence on the European Green Deal
Gross National Happiness – Entrepreneurial Initiative made in Bhutan?
How does the United Nations evaluate smart cities:
The effect of non-state actors on the autonomy of eurocrats in the Commission between 1986 and 2000
China’s Discourse on the Digital Silk Road: Geopolitical Implications for Global Cyberspace Governance
The double edged sword of globalisation: facilitating climate change  and providing solutions to mitigating its effects
Started from the bottom, now we’re here: a comparative case study of regional and international organizations
Gender mainstreaming at the UN: Can it be the solution to gender inequality?
The influence of staff members implementing Microfinance in the ILO