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  • (-) = Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences
  • (-) = Dijk, W. van
  • (-) = Stallen, M.

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(1 - 15 of 15)
Applying Behavioural Insights to Increase Debt Repayment and Contact Rates of Early Debtors at Health Insurance Companies
Poverty and social emotions: The effect of social shame on divergent thinking
Appraisals and coping strategies in negative financial situations
Effects of financial scarcity on susceptibility to persuasion tactics
When having less money causes more spending: Relationship between financial stress and resistance to persuasion
The impact of financial scarcity on product evaluations: Does having less lead to wanting more?
Poor decisions: The impact of heuristic persuasion on decision making under financial stress
The impact of shame on motivation: How feelings of public and private shame affect
The effect of shame on social- and financial risk: The perception of the possible consequences of shame experienced in poverty
The influence of shame on risk-taking in a social and non-social context
The impact of financial stress on Iowa Gambling Task performance
The impact of shame on trust: How experiencing shame may alter trust in others
The influence of shame on divergent thinking