Leiden University Student Repository

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(1 - 20 of 20)
Was There a Change in Hunting Strategy Between the Protoaurignacian and Early Aurignacian in Southwest Europe?
Onggi: A Study of Korean Fermenting Pottery from the 7th Millennium BCE until Present Day
Burials and Houses
The ‘skull cult’: A grand narrative or not?
De anonieme muntslag te Friesland in de 11e tot de 13e eeuw
"Neolithizers by Nurture": A Macrohistorical Contextualization of Agricultural Reform in the Early Anthropocene
Dispersion of HIMT glass in Italy between the fourth and seventh century AD
A Gandhāran goddess in ‘Greek’ guise
Aardewerk in het landschap
Science and Sensationalism
Early urbanism in Late Chalcolithic Northern Mesopotamia?
The use of human bone during the Mesolithic period in Europe