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The Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition in the Peloponnese
Battles in Basalt: A Study of the Weaponry Depicted in the Safaitic Rock Art of Jebel Qurma, North-Eastern Jordan
Dispersion of HIMT glass in Italy between the fourth and seventh century AD
Medieval animal bone waste at Oegstgeest
The Modern Agenda behind Ancient Gender
Ageing the 40+ category: testing the ageing method for the sternal end of the clavicle
Following the river: Reconstructing the environmental and geomorphological processes forming the Gartempe river valley during the late Glacial and Holocene
Schöningen 12 faunal compositions
Trade on the borders of the Latin Conflict zone. How trade between Acre and Cyprus was influenced  by the invading Mamluks (Ca. 1095-1500 AD)
Iraqi archaeology under threat
Hafit tombs in the Wadi al-Jizzi and Wadi Suq corridors
Collections of Memories. In-between Amerindian Archaeology and Dutch-Surinamese Perceptions of the Past.
Voorkomen is Beter dan Genezen
Changing perspectives: Dynamic meaning and uses in the Late Neolithic figurine assemblages of Hacilar and Höyücek, Lake District, Anatolia (6,400-6,000 BC).
Finding the 'King' of Alashiya. The Political Organization of Cyprus during the Late Bronze Age (ca.1600-1100 B.C.)
The Re-creation of Decoration: A research on decoration techniques on Meillacoid and Chicoid pottery from El Flaco, Dominican Republic
A Jarring Discovery: an analysis of pottery from Chalcolithic Cyprus
Keeping up appearances: An overview of the archaeological history of Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico,  from the 19th to the 21st century
