Leiden University Student Repository

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Islamic Philosophy in Our Narrative of Western Philosophy
Material culture in early modern Amsterdam coffeehouses. The sociability and aesthetics of porcelain coffee ware
Rational Agency in the Digital Age
Cultural Memory of the Enlightenment in nineteenth-century France: The remembrance of the Enlightenment, its thinkers and its literary salons through artworks
the autonomous individual vs. the relational self: A reconceptualization of the Kantian rational person through a Confucian lens
Richard Brothers, The Profane Fellow Much Talked Of: Popularity, Prophecy and Millenarianism in the Age of Reason
Salafism In The Netherlands: The Peculiar Combination Of Pious Predecessors And Enlightened Europeans
Fighting the shadow with the light
Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels as a Critique of the Effects of Print Culture during the Enlightenment
The Asymmetrical Colonisation of Alterity