Leiden University Student Repository

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Duiken in de duisternis: Traumatische  (on)definieerbaarheid in Silent Hill 2
Wilson and Freud: Sigmund Freud’s psychological analysis of president Woodrow Wilson
Beyond the Unspeakable: Embodied Approaches to Female Trauma in Margaret Atwood's "Alias Grace"
Simple Men, Twisted Women: the Gendered Struggle for Power in Rebecca and My Cousin Rachel
Attacking the Ego: Discovering the Uncanny in Frankenstein, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and Dracula
A bigger Escape
Private Traps and Never Budging an Inch: Freudian Influences on Psycho's Psychological Horror and Refusal to End
Freud and the Emergence of the Unconscious in English Literature During the Nineteenth Century
Awaiting Geodesics to come; the Freudian and Derridean Perspectives on the Jewish rite of Circumcision.
Immaculate Immunity: The Gothic and Religious Fanaticism in Wieland and Confessions of a Justified Sinner
A Body Caught in Crossfire: A Freudian Analysis of The Handmaid's Tale