Leiden University Student Repository

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Living Together in Neighbourhood De Kooi
Prediction Model for Irritable Bowel Syndrome Using Routine Primary Care Data
Mind Your Language
Paper Travels: The Library of Johanna Paauw (Leiden 1699-1767)
Healing through Space; An essay on the meanings of space in the St. Caeciliagasthuis in Leiden
Proeve der Drukkeryen. Type assortment in fourteen Leiden printing offices in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries
Planting and harvesting: a study on evangelism and conversion in growth-oriented churches in Leiden
Science, commerce and the international plant trade in an eighteenth-century correspondence: The letters of William Malcolm, nurseryman in London, to David van Royen, professor of Botany in Leiden, 1768-1773
Item dit boeck is van die kijnder die den Heiligengeest hout, 1491-1544
The promotion of civic identity through maps of Leiden: 1574-1700
To collect or not to collect, that is the question: a story about the collections policy at Leiden's Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde in the sixties
The impacts of introducing new collections to a pre-existing museum environment in the 19th century - a comparative study examining the Egyptology departments at the British Museum and the national Museum of Antiquities in the Netherlands
Johannes (1696-1778) and Hermanus (1698-1755) Verbeek. Booksellers in Leiden
The restorative potential of the Singelpark in Leiden and the effect of traffic noise