Leiden University Student Repository

Search results

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The 8th plague of civil war: The effect of locust swarms on civilian victimisation
The infertile crescent
Priorities in Post-Conflict State-Building
Operationlisation of Persistent Engagement and Defend Forward
Differentieel Ouderschap en Fysieke  en/of Psychologische Agressie binnen de Broer/Zus Relatie: in hoeverre  speelt een warme Broer/Zus Relatie  een Protectieve Rol
The Oil of the 21st Century
Cultural Heritage and the Cyprus Conflict: A biography of the Apostolos Andreas Monastery
Channeling Inter State Hy dro Politics: Are Trade Agreeme nts an Effective Arbi trator or Merely a Kantian Hoax?
The impact of conservation of nature and wildlife on conflict