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(1 - 20 of 37)


The 8th plague of civil war: The effect of locust swarms on civilian victimisation
The African Union's self-conception as a peace actor: a role theory approach
Attachment with the church and God
Blaming the weather. The moral danger of the securitization of climate change.
Burgeroorlog op Banten
Channeling Inter State Hy dro Politics: Are Trade Agreeme nts an Effective Arbi trator or Merely a Kantian Hoax?
Cultural Heritage and the Cyprus Conflict: A biography of the Apostolos Andreas Monastery
De ‘geestelijcke arcke’ in zwaar weer : Hoe de gezagdragers van de Friese doopsgezinde gemeente te Zaandam en Westzaan in de zeventiende eeuw de gemeenschap tegen twist en scheuring beschermden
Differentieel Ouderschap en Fysieke  en/of Psychologische Agressie binnen de Broer/Zus Relatie: in hoeverre  speelt een warme Broer/Zus Relatie  een Protectieve Rol
EU Military Intervention: the Past and the Future Using the case of Yugoslav wars
The Ghanaian Infrastructure for Peace: A Successful Grassroots Peacebuilding Process
Gorillas and Guerrillas: Militarised Conservation and Local Livelihoods in the Eastern DRC
Hate, Fear and Neo-Imperialism: A research into the failure of the Nagorno-Karabakh peace process
The impact of conservation of nature and wildlife on conflict
Indonesia: The Corruption Eradication Commission in Conflict 2002-2016
The infertile crescent
Journalism in Russia: Media coverage of the Chechen conflict and thereafter, the case of Politkovskaya.
