Leiden University Student Repository

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(1 - 16 of 16)
Body metaphors of anger in GSL
Computational Semantics Meets Artificial Grammar Learning: Spatial Language Acquisition by Intelligent Agents
Curiouser and curiouser
Gain Shift in the Nested Hierarchies of Language
Honorific Agreement in Russian
The Kimbugwe noun class system and its interaction with semantics
Manifestaties van Ingressiviteit: Ingressief, inceptief en inchoatief aspect in het Mandarijn en pre-Tang-Chinees
The Morphology and Semantics ofSoft Fruit
Politeness Theory in Contrastive Business Communication Guides
Reading Dolgans through their language: approaching indigenous Dolgan culture by collecting words.
Semantic search: finding new meaning in research libraries
Sitting stuck and standing scribbled: Productivity, structure, and meaning of posture verbs combined with a complementive past participle in Dutch
Speaking from the Heart; Semantics of some negative emotion Terms in Tarifiyt
A Structure Display Tool
Twee lekker water
Uncharted Waters