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(81 - 100 of 122)


The figurability of theory. The philosophical significance of circularity in Parmenides
A Study of Representation in AD 193 - 197
The escalation of the conflict between ​superstitio and ​religio in Minucius Felix’​ Octavius.
Amicitia. De spanning tussen idealisme en politiek in de vriendschap van Cicero en Pompeius
Wat is de rol van θαῦμα ἰδέσθαι in het Griekse epos van Homerus?
Between truth, knowledge and belief: Πίστις in early Greek philosophy
Beginnings in the De Rerum Natura
Ariadne: alleen, achtergelaten en agens
Philosophy On Stage. The re-enactment of pre-Socratic questions in the Prometheus Bound.
Imago Popularis: Politieke Framing in de Romeinse Republiek
Focus on each Breath
De Romae Laudes van Mussolini. Het Antieke Rome in de Fascistische Ideologie
Rusteloze geesten van het verleden
Antiphon als τραγικὸς ῥήτωρ
The Theory and Practice of ἐνάργεια in Ancient Literary Criticism
The dialect of Elis and its position within the Greek dialectological system
From Hunter to Hero: Hunting narratives in Odyssey 19 and Iliad 9
Herodes' terugkeer naar Athene in de 'Marathon-inscriptie', IG II 2 3606
Commune bonum humus Academiae. De dedicato van Franciscus Junius’ Academia in context
From the god. Aelius Aristides' pilgrimages in the Hieroi Logoi.
