Leiden University Student Repository

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(1 - 18 of 18)
An Emerging Human Rights Regime: the Optional Protocol to the United Nations Convention against Torture and Torture Prevention in Southeast Asia
The inclusion of democratic values in the education law of nine different countries
Caught between conflict and economic ties
Narrating Human Rights or Politicising memories in Cambodia
Between River and Sea: Funan's Shifting Role in Mekong delta and South China Sea interaction networks during the 1st to 6th century
China’s BRI Engagement with Cambodia
Portrayal of the Sino-Cambodian relationship in English-language Cambodian newspapers
Evaluating Peer Education in Cambodia: Why peer education regarding HIV and Sexual Health has been ineffective for female sex and entertainment workers in Cambodia
Adaptive lowland rice cultivation in Thailand and Cambodia
Bridging Relations along the Trans-Boundary Mekong River: China's Hydropower Diplomacy in Cambodia
The Opposition Prospers: The Rise of the CNRP in Cambodia’s 2013 Elections
A comparative study: transitional justice and education in Rwanda and Cambodia
Het vertrek van de VOC uit Cambodja
To what extent can Cambodia be considered a democracy? An authoritarian regime in democratic clothing
The Implications of the European Union’s Democracy Promotion on Elections in Hybrid Regimes: A Comparative Case Study of Zimbabwe and Cambodia.
The Eradication of Ethnic Identity in Cambodia, 1975-9
Cambodia and Neopatrimonialism: Contextualising the Law on Associations and Non-Governmental Organisations (LANGO)
The Private Kingdom