Leiden University Student Repository

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(1 - 14 of 14)
The (Sonic) Aesthetics of "Democratisation"
Georgian Electoral Reforms
Democratisation in Unrecognised States
Through American Eyes:  The New York Times and CBS News’s Depictions of the Orange Revolution
The Conclusion of Conflict: Regime Type, Authoritarian Consolidation and the Termination of Insurgency
The Influence of Dictators on Democratic Transition
The third reverse wave of democratisation in Hungary and Poland
To what extent can Cambodia be considered a democracy? An authoritarian regime in democratic clothing
Origins of Supranationalism: Crisis and Democratisation in Southeast Asia
Brazil, Democratisation and Economic Reform: How economic reform in Brazil waited for democracy
In the Shadow of the Kulturkampf: Perceptions of the Milderungsgesetzen in Dutch Catholic media, from 1880 to 1884
Tussen slechte buur en verre vriend, externe invloeden op het democratiseringsproces in Pakistan 1977-2008
Two Decades, Two Theories